
Knowledge Base on Food Borne Diseases and Hygiene in Ghana: Appraisal of Food Vendors in Oguaa Koforidua

Table 1

Food Vendors knowledge ofFood Borne Diseases and Food Vending Regulations

Item Yes
f    %
f     %
f     %

Are there laws and regulation governing food vendors? 50 100 0 0 50 100

Are you aware of any food safety regulations? 35 70 15 30 50 100

Do you have certificate of acceptability to handle food? 30 60 20 40 50 100

Do you know why you need certificate of acceptability to handle food? 24 48 26 52 50 100

Do you know who the environmental officer is? 36 72 14 28 50 100

Do you wash your hand frequently when handling food? 50 100 0 0 50 100

Keeping work surfaces clean reduces risk of food borne illness 44 88 6 12 50 100

Storing raw and cooked food separately in the refrigerator help to prevent food borne illness 8 16 4 8 50 100

Do you check on the temperature of food before storage? 12 24 38 76 50 100

Do you cover cooked food properly? 50 100 0 0 0 0
Improper waste disposal can lead to food contamination 40 80 10 20 0 0

Cooked food should be thoroughly reheated 50 100 0 0 0 0

Do you separate equipment and utensils for handling raw and cooked food 6 12 44 88 0 0

There should be portable water at vending  sites 50 100  0 0  0 0

Do you cover cooked food properly? 50 100 0 0 0 0

Key: D.K = Don’t Know