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Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences(RJEES) is an openly accessible journal published monthly. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and perspectives in diverse areas of ecology & environment and to keep a record of state-of-the-art research.
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A review of Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. ethnobotany in Italy and North Africa
Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
DOI: 10.31586/rjees.2025.1111
Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill., commonly known as prickly pear, is a versatile plant widely used for food, medicinal, and cosmetic purposes in various regions of the Mediterranean and North Africa. This study provides a comparative ethnobotanical review of prickly pear uses in Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, and Italy. In total, 74
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Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill., commonly known as prickly pear, is a versatile plant widely used for food, medicinal, and cosmetic purposes in various regions of the Mediterranean and North Africa. This study provides a comparative ethnobotanical review of prickly pear uses in Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, and Italy. In total, 74 articles were selected from ethnobotanical uses in Italy, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. In the Maghreb, the plant is used for fruit production and processed products, such as jams, oils, and flours, as well as for traditional medicinal purposes. In Algeria and Morocco, the fruits and cladodes are used to treat digestive disorders, diabetes, and skin diseases. In Tunisia, products derived from O. ficus-indica are also applied in the cosmetic industry and for erosion control. In Italy, particularly in Sicily and Calabria, the prickly pear is a vital resource, used for both food consumption and for medicinal purposes. The cladodes, rich in mucilage, are applied as topical remedies for skin problems, while the fruits are a key ingredient in the preparation of traditional desserts. Furthermore, O. ficus-indica has historically been used as forage and to produce natural dyes. Results indicate that the versatility of this species, combined with its ability to adapt to extreme climates, makes it a valuable resource for the development of new nutraceutical and cosmetic products. However, further scientific research is necessary to explore the bio-functional potential of this plant and to promote its broader and more sustainable use, especially in arid and semi-arid regions.Full article
Review Article
Ambient Air Quality and Human Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in a Potentially Toxic Silver-Polluted Environment
Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
DOI: 10.31586/rjees.2025.1058
Silver nanoparticles (Ag+NPs) contamination in the environment is a serious concern. This study investigated selected heavy metal (Ag+, Cd2+, Cr2+ and Pb2+) concentrations at different sampling points to assess the risk to human health (infants, children, and adults). To do this, an enclosed area (laboratory) of 12.6 m X 8.5
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Silver nanoparticles (Ag+NPs) contamination in the environment is a serious concern. This study investigated selected heavy metal (Ag+, Cd2+, Cr2+ and Pb2+) concentrations at different sampling points to assess the risk to human health (infants, children, and adults). To do this, an enclosed area (laboratory) of 12.6 m X 8.5 m (107.1 m2) was clearly marked at different coded distances of S1, S2, S3, and S4 representing 2, 4, 6, and 8 m, while unpolluted atmosphere at 50 m away without Ag+NPs served as the control (S5). The silver fireworks were allowed to burn for an approximate 00h03m30s at each sampling points using a high-volume air sampler mounted at the Environmental Engineering Departmental Laboratory, Rivers State University, with windows and doors closed to simulate indoor conditions. Samples were digested using a mixture of analytical-grade nitric acid, analytical-grade hydrochloric acid and analyzed to evaluate the levels of heavy metals by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The Ag+ result at S1 shows 30,000 µg/cm3, S2 was 29,000 µg/cm3, while S3 was 28000 µg/cm3 and then S4 was 13,000 µg/cm3. These results exceeded the permissible values of the United States National Ambient Air Concentration for rural, urban and industrial areas (0.0005, 0.004 and 0.6 µg/cm3, respectively). The result for the control (S5) (0.037 µg/cm3) was within the maximum allowable value. Results from other heavy metals such as Cd were 1000, 743, 401, 153, 0.001 µg/cm3, Cr was 5000, 4000, 3729, 2960, 0.002 µg/cm3, Pb was 0.048, 0.041, 0.035, 0.034 and 0.01, µg/cm3, respectively. However, higher values of Ag+, Cd, and Cr indicated a higher propensity for the metals to be toxic (bioavailable). In addition, the assessment of the potential health risk posed by these metals proved contaminated and harmful. Visitors recorded high values in exposure concentration (EC) and low values in average daily dose (ADD).Full article
Salsola tragus L. (Amaranthaceae) and Thymelaea gussonei Boreau (Thymelaeaceae): new records for the native vascular flora of Calabria (S-Italy) with some remarks about their taxonomy and distribution
Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
DOI: 10.31586/rjees.2024.883
Recent field investigations, performed across some of the less floristically known sectors of Calabria, have led to the discovery of Salsola tragus and Thymelaea gussonei, two new species for the regional vascular flora. By providing crucial biogeographical and taxonomic remarks, this work aims to contribute to the improvement of the
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Recent field investigations, performed across some of the less floristically known sectors of Calabria, have led to the discovery of Salsola tragus and Thymelaea gussonei, two new species for the regional vascular flora. By providing crucial biogeographical and taxonomic remarks, this work aims to contribute to the improvement of the knowledge of the rich, diversified and still poorly known native flora of Calabria. The biogeographical value of these new findings underlines the decisive role of field survey in the enhancement of the information on regional biodiversity, the essential basis for every further ecological study and conservation effort.Full article
Phytostabilization of Total Monocyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon in Crude Oil-Contaminated Oxisol using Costus afer Plant
Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
DOI: 10.31586/rjees.2024.887
Costus afer, a known medicinal plant used in the removal of total monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (TMAH) in crude oil-contaminated soil add to the list of plant that has the potential to restore the soil quality. This study investigated the potential of Costus afer plant at various ages (7, 14, 21,
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Costus afer, a known medicinal plant used in the removal of total monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (TMAH) in crude oil-contaminated soil add to the list of plant that has the potential to restore the soil quality. This study investigated the potential of Costus afer plant at various ages (7, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42 days old) to biodegrade crude oil-contaminated soil. The group-balanced block design (GBBD) was used in establishing the experiment. TMAH was quantified by the standard method, according to USEPA method using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The contamination of 48kg of sandy loam soil was simulated by mixing 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5L of Bonny-Light crude oil with the soil in three separate vessels to achieve conditions of low (C1), medium(C2), and high(C3) contamination, respectively. An additional vessel with medium-level contaminated soil but no treatment (C4) served as the control. The Costus afer plants were nursed and transplanted at the stated ages to each vessel except the control. Controlled irrigation was applied, and the setups were housed to shield them from rainfall. After 90 days of treatment, results showed that the 7 days old Costus afer plants produced the highest amount of TMAH reduction of 96.5, 39.8, and 32.1%, for C1, C2 and C3, respectively, while the control (C4) was 9.45%. Furthermore, the sequence of TMAH reduction by the plants was 7 days old, 14 days old, 21 days old, 28 days old, 35 days old, and 42 days old. Thus, in addition to its medicinal value, Costus afer plant also has the potential to biodegrade TMAH in crude oil-contaminated sandy loam soil.Full article
Education as a health tool: Adulterations and falsifications in natural medicine
Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
DOI: 10.31586/rjees.2024.819
The teaching-learning relationship of natural medicine is key to avoid health problems in the population; adulterations and falsifications of frequently used plants are evident. The aim of this study is to raise public awareness and to urge institutions to incorporate contents in the student's curriculum. The curricula of different educational
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The teaching-learning relationship of natural medicine is key to avoid health problems in the population; adulterations and falsifications of frequently used plants are evident. The aim of this study is to raise public awareness and to urge institutions to incorporate contents in the student's curriculum. The curricula of different educational levels are analyzed to check the level of knowledge on the use of medicinal plants, as well as some regulations on quality controls. Of the wide range of species that are consumed by the population, some are detected in which adulterations and falsifications occur, although there is no danger in some cases, such as chamomiles, if a falsification occurs when consuming the whole plant instead of the flowering tops, which is where the properties reside. In other cases, adulteration occurs, generally unintentional, but very dangerous to health, such as horsetail. For a more effective quality control, we need public awareness and highly specialized personnel, with the capacity to inspect crops, markets and companies.Full article
Review Article
Floristic composition of vascular epiphytes in a disturbed forest of the Douala- Edea National Park (Cameroon)
Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
DOI: 10.31586/rjees.2024.701
The Douala-Edea National Park is a coastal protected area that opens to the Atlantic Ocean, and contains an abundant wildlife which finds a privilege habitat there, and certain taxa such as epiphytes, which are of particular interest for conservation. In many tropical forests, vascular epiphytes are one of the richest
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The Douala-Edea National Park is a coastal protected area that opens to the Atlantic Ocean, and contains an abundant wildlife which finds a privilege habitat there, and certain taxa such as epiphytes, which are of particular interest for conservation. In many tropical forests, vascular epiphytes are one of the richest taxa, with major impacts on the nutrient and hydrological cycles. The aim of this research was to study the effect of the disturbance of habitat on the floristic composition of vascular epiphytes in the Douala-Edea National Park. This study was carried out between January - April 2021 in three types of disturbed habitats at the northern part of the park. Three plots of 100 m × 100 m dimensions were laid out across three ecosystems along the Sanaga river. The sampling method consisted in the direct observation of five adjacent transects of 100 m x 20 m dimensions inside each plot. Epiphytes species were evaluated on all trees of DBH ≥10 cm. Epiphytes' life-forms and the position on the host trees occupied by the epiphytes were also recorded. A total of 18 species belonging to 16 genera and 13 families were identified. Culcasia sp. was the most common species with a relative frequency of 30.27%. Biological indicators were represented by Ferns, with four species, and Orchidaceae, with one species. The epiphytes species richness was highest in the low disturbed habitat (13 species), and lowest in the highly disturbed habitat (8 species). Strict epiphytes were highly recorded in the low disturbed habitat (6 species), and were absent in the highly disturbed habitat. Hemi-epiphytes were the commonest life-form (12 species) in the highly disturbed habitat, and have been defined as indicators of the perturbation of the habitat. Canopy was mostly sollicitated by epiphytes in the low disturbed habitat (66.25%) than the moderate disturbed habitat (49.85%), and highly disturbed habitat (30.66%). It has been found that the different forest sites have an influence on the typology of epiphytic species, and therefore, epiphytic flora should be managed for the conservation of the biodiversity in tropical forests.Full article
Green spaces more adapted and resilient to the current and future climatic conditions in the south of Portugal (Algarve): Xerophytic gardens using xeromorphic succulents
Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
DOI: 10.31586/rjees.2024.884
Considering the current climate conjuncture, it is a consensus that green spaces in large contemporary urban areas should be increasingly more numerous and simultaneously more sustainable, being adapted to the edaphoclimatic conditions of the site, and with reduced maintenance costs. In the case of Algarve, where this research is focused,
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Considering the current climate conjuncture, it is a consensus that green spaces in large contemporary urban areas should be increasingly more numerous and simultaneously more sustainable, being adapted to the edaphoclimatic conditions of the site, and with reduced maintenance costs. In the case of Algarve, where this research is focused, the current and future water availability, assumes a preponderant role in the design of green spaces, where the demands mentioned above can only be achieved if we deviate from conventional landscape practices and develop holistic strategies of management and design of green spaces that integrate different areas of knowledge and not merely aesthetic issues. In this context, this work aims to develop more adapted and resilient landscaping practices to the current and future climatic conditions of the Algarve, thus reinventing the concept of landscaping in the south of Portugal. Thus, it will be of paramount importance to develop more sustainable, resilient and tolerant projects to worsening ecological conditions, particularly limitations associated with water availability. The xeromorphic succulents are a group of plants with mechanisms of tolerance to water stress and with very specific characteristics, being succulence one of the most relevant. Studies on these mechanisms are increasingly frequent, which may prove to be very advantageous in our adaptation to future climatic challenges. In addition, their ornamental potential is enormous, since their bold forms and colours are a veritable sensory explosion, which, combined with their morphological and physiological characteristics, make them the species of choice in the reconversion or creation of xerophytic gardens.Full article
Analysis of Toxic Contaminants in Agriculture: Educational Strategies to Avoid Their Influence on Food
Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
DOI: 10.31586/rjees.2024.718
A diagnosis of the current state of the crops is made regarding the control of weeds, use of pesticides, fungicides; with an assessment of the state of the plant covers in the crop, and its control by different types of herbicides, and we detected a high loss of biological diversity;
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A diagnosis of the current state of the crops is made regarding the control of weeds, use of pesticides, fungicides; with an assessment of the state of the plant covers in the crop, and its control by different types of herbicides, and we detected a high loss of biological diversity; and some of these compounds are mentioned due to their high toxicity. Similarly, the use of pesticides and fungicides is discussed due to their repercussions on health. In order to avoid the unhealthiness caused by the applications of these products, phytosanitary and educational control strategies are proposed; promoting the inspection of fruit and vegetable markets, and modifying the contents in higher professional and university education. To this end, we propose an active teaching methodology, through which the student acquires skills and responsibility for the use of chemical agents in agriculture, which serves to prevent the entry of these contaminants into the food chain. Of the different polluting chemical agents, in the case of herbicides we highlight Oxyfluorfen and Glyphosate with high toxicity and whose consumption is very high. In the case of pesticides and fungicides, among others are Organochlorine compounds, which have been detected in blood, and Carbon Tetrachloride and Chloroform, considered potent hepatotoxic and neurotoxic. The basic objective of this study is the awareness and acquisition of knowledge by future teachers about polluting agents, which will subsequently have an impact on society.Full article
Conservation of Cuabal from Community Environmental Education: Results of an Implemented Proposal
Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
DOI: 10.31586/rjees.2023.728
The spiny xeromorphic shrublands on serpentine (cuabales) constitute outstanding plant formations for the conservation of Cuban biodiversity, due to their floristic richness, high number of endemic species and local endemism, as well as their economic, social, cultural value and functions environmental. In the Callejón de Los Patos of Santa Clara,
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The spiny xeromorphic shrublands on serpentine (cuabales) constitute outstanding plant formations for the conservation of Cuban biodiversity, due to their floristic richness, high number of endemic species and local endemism, as well as their economic, social, cultural value and functions environmental. In the Callejón de Los Patos of Santa Clara, there are relicts of cuabal, although they show a high level of deterioration due to human activity. This article presents the main results of an investigation, which focused on implementing actions for the development of Community Environmental Education, with emphasis on the conservation of cuabal, in Callejón de Los Patos. For the intervention process, the Community Self-Development Methodology was used, which is qualitative par excellence, and the investigative methods: document analysis, participant observation, in-depth, group and structured interviews, drawing directed, the reflective group, techniques group and triangulation of data. The main results of the research are: the diagnosis and implementation of actions, designed from the process of Community Environmental Education, which was developed at the Carlos Manuel de Céspedes National Rural School, of said settlement. During the intervention process, the development of cognitive, procedural and attitudinal knowledge for the conservation of cuabal was verified in the schoolchildren, contributing to the strengthening of the school as the most important cultural center of the community, as aspired in the Cuban National Education System.Full article
Threatened Wildlife for an Instructional Approach about Biodiversity Conservation
Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
DOI: 10.31586/rjees.2023.693
Biodiversity is related to a global problem: its destruction, a fact supported by scientific authorities. It is not trivial that educational dimension has been contemplated as one of the strategies for its conservation. Since 1992 global initiatives such as the Convention on Biological Diversity postulates concepts that linked education and
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Biodiversity is related to a global problem: its destruction, a fact supported by scientific authorities. It is not trivial that educational dimension has been contemplated as one of the strategies for its conservation. Since 1992 global initiatives such as the Convention on Biological Diversity postulates concepts that linked education and nature conservation. The main objective of this research work is to test the level of assimilation of extracurricular scientific knowledge by primary school pupils. The method chosen for the content was, on the one hand, a master class intervention with an interactive presentation on a digital whiteboard. Third cases were chosen. Each case consisted of a presentation of the current status of a species of fauna present in Spain. On the second part, students were asked to write an essay and to illustrate the experience during the presentation. Regarding the essays, students showed that they were more attracted to the first species that was presented (Iberian lynx) in a proportion of over 45% of cases. The “Endangered species” concept appeared in more than 77% of the texts reviewed. In terms of drawings, almost 55% of the responses seem to devote more attention to the second species described (Testudo graeca). An attempt was made to offer rigorous, structured information related to different aspects of natural reality in order to contemplate the broadest possible vision. The example of an instructional intervention presented here aims to be an alternative to other transmissive teaching models. Likewise, the linking of abstract concepts with socio-cultural reality proved to be a successful strategy to reinforce knowledge about natural biodiversity, endangered species or threat factors.Full article
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DOI prefix: 10.31586/rjees
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