Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

Volume 2, Number 4, 2022

Open Access October 14, 2022 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Hydro-geochemical Study of the Coastal Aquifer in Tripoli (Lebanon)

Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 2022, 2(4), 103-117. DOI: 10.31586/rjees.2022.212
Groundwater geochemistry refers to the general chemical properties of water, particularly groundwater. Precipitation, volatilization, oxidation/reduction, sorption/partition, and complexation are processes involved in the distribution and fate of organic molecules in water. Determining hydrogeochemical facies is a great help for determining relationships and similarities among the chemistry of waters in an
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Groundwater geochemistry refers to the general chemical properties of water, particularly groundwater. Precipitation, volatilization, oxidation/reduction, sorption/partition, and complexation are processes involved in the distribution and fate of organic molecules in water. Determining hydrogeochemical facies is a great help for determining relationships and similarities among the chemistry of waters in an aquifer. This study focused on the coastal aquifer of Tripoli (Lebanon) with Mio-Quaternary age. It is considered as a confined aquifer and an important hydraulic reserve for domestic water use in the region. Recently, it underwent an urban development that leads to an increase in water demand causing a decrease in the piezometric level and a high-risk of deterioration to water quality through seawater intrusion and anthropic pollution. To understand the origin of mineralization and the mechanism of water hydro-chemistry variation and to provide a vision to underground water recharge, this study aims to analyze the hydrodynamic, piezometric, and geochemical characteristics of the coastal aquifer. The fluctuation of physicochemical parameters for cool and warm seasons has been studied and monitored for 16 coastal wells during April, May, and June 2020. Results were interpreted by using a statistical analysis called Principal Components Analysis (PCA). Cartographic of groundwater levels and concentrations for nitrate, chloride, sulphate ions, the ratio sulphate/chloride were determined by using SUFFER8 software. It can be noticed that the Mio-Quaternary formation at Tripoli consists of thick sedimentary sandstones and conglomerates with argillaceous roots, which provide significantly high permeability characteristics. It is mainly recharged from precipitations through karstic formations. Chemical analysis shows that bicarbonate ions (HCO3-), characterized by dissolution of carbonate rocks from geological upstream formations of Tripoli, means that the aquifer is subjected to intensive recharge of fresh water and snow melting making a hydrostatic equilibrium facing marine intrusion [1]. High contents of chloride and Sodium are due to anthropic contamination or seawater intrusion. However, Magnesium ion concentration assures this intrusion. Meanwhile, nitrates, sulfates and phosphorus high concentrations are related to wastewater leakage or agricultural activities [2].Full article
Open Access December 2, 2022 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Effect of Industrial Effluent on Irrigation Water Quality of Choba River in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria

Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 2022, 2(4), 182-194. DOI: 10.31586/rjees.2022.362
Poor irrigation water quality due to oil spillage on surface water can result in food insecurity, health and economic challenges. This paper investigated the effect of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPHC) and lead (Pb) on irrigation water quality in the oil spill prone area of the Niger Delta region of Nigeria.
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Poor irrigation water quality due to oil spillage on surface water can result in food insecurity, health and economic challenges. This paper investigated the effect of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPHC) and lead (Pb) on irrigation water quality in the oil spill prone area of the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Water samples were taken from five different sections labelled A, B, C, D, and E along the Choba River, in Rivers State, Nigeria. Sections B, C, D and E were direct industrial effluent discharge points while section A was without direct industrial effluent discharge. Standard methods were employed in the water sampling and analysis. Suitability of Choba river water for irrigation was assessed by comprehensive pollution index (CPI) that incorporated salinity, sodicity, and permeability hazard potentials as well as the specific toxicity hazard potentials of TPHC and Pb. Results showed that all primary water parameters except pH were within the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) guidelines. The pH was low, ranging between 4.48 and 5.6. TPHC values for four out of the five samples were greater than the 10mg/l guideline as recommended by the Directorate of Petroleum Resources for surface water. TPHC for the four samples ranged between 14.52 and 174.32mg/l. The parameters with the most impact on CPI include EC, PI and TPHC with TPHC having the most impact. Water samples from sections A, B and E with CPI values 0.14, 0.37, and 0.8 respectively were classified in the clean, sub clean and slightly polluted categories respectively, while water samples from sections C and D with CPI values greater than 1 range from moderately to heavily polluted and not suitable for agricultural irrigation. Only water sample A was found suitable for irrigation.Full article
Open Access December 8, 2022 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Evaluation of Simulated Petroleum Hydrocarbon on the Physicochemical Properties of Soil

Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 2022, 2(4), 195-210. DOI: 10.31586/rjees.2022.365
Petroleum hydrocarbon contamination of soils has become a global concern, which is often caused by anthropogenic activities, posing serious threat to all living beings. The study for evaluation of the variability of crude oil on the physicochemical characteristics of sandy loam soil was conducted at demonstration farm, Rivers state university,
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Petroleum hydrocarbon contamination of soils has become a global concern, which is often caused by anthropogenic activities, posing serious threat to all living beings. The study for evaluation of the variability of crude oil on the physicochemical characteristics of sandy loam soil was conducted at demonstration farm, Rivers state university, Port-Harcourt, Nigeria. The Bonny light crude oil was obtained from an oil and gas production company. Uncontaminated soil was mixed with crude oil. Standard procedures were adopted for the laboratory analysis, the parameters analyzed include bulk density, total porosity, pH, available phosphorus (P), Total hydrocarbon content (THC), organic carbon, organic matter, exchangeable cation (Mg, K, Na, Ca), effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC), total exchangeable acidity (TEA), and base saturation were monitored for a period of 21 days. 10 kg of sandy loam soils were mixed with 100, 300, 500, and 700ml of crude oil while no crude oil serves as the control using plastic reactors. The reactor with 700ml of crude oil recorded the highest THC of 1734.33 mg/kg, followed by 500ml with a THC of 1601mg/kg while the control with no contamination recorded the least THC of 534.33mg/kg. However, the values of all concentrations did not meet 5000 mg/kg of Department of Petroleum Resources (2018) intervention value but exceeded the target value of 50 mg/kg. Other parameters followed same trend except porosity which decreased with increase in crude oil volume. There were significant differences at P< 0.05 except for pH, available P, and base saturation. Therefore, this study calls for the utilization of its findings for adoption of remediation on crude oil contaminated soils.Full article
Open Access September 29, 2022 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Anthyllis hermanniae L. subsp. brutia Brullo & Giusso (Fabaceae): population survey and conservation tasks

Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 2022, 2(4), 92-102. DOI: 10.31586/rjees.2022.339
Anthyllis hermanniae subsp. brutia, is an Italian endemic shrub occurring just in one locality by the Calabrian Ionian coast in southern Italy. Objective of this study is to provide data on population numbers, demography and ecology, as well as to identify the main threats on the long term conservation of
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Anthyllis hermanniae subsp. brutia, is an Italian endemic shrub occurring just in one locality by the Calabrian Ionian coast in southern Italy. Objective of this study is to provide data on population numbers, demography and ecology, as well as to identify the main threats on the long term conservation of the target taxon. The survey has been carried out through field census work, sampling biometric and dendrometric data, and applying simple statistics. The population, counting totally 962 individuals, is divided in two stands concentrated in the central part of the distribution area. It is restricted to a narrow belt on the inland part of the dune slope encompassed between an artificial pine forest at the dune top, and the dune-specialized vegetation on the slope. Some biometric insights, such as stem diameter, plant height and number of annual rings, suggest the role of micro-ecology in individual shaping. The most relevant threating factor for the long term conservation of this rare taxon is the rapidly spreading Pinus halepensis subsp. halepensis. Local population of this invasive alien species, deriving from planted individuals, is now invading the A. hermanniae subsp. brutia habitat. Chorological and ecological data here provided should hopefully steer further population dynamics investigation as well as any urgent environment management actions.Full article
Open Access November 25, 2022 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Knowledge for a Better Conservation: Syntaxonomic Review of Caribbean Pine Forests (Cuba, Hispaniola)

Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 2022, 2(4), 118-181. DOI: 10.31586/rjees.2022.284
A phytosociological review is carried out of the pine forest formations on the islands of Cuba and Hispaniola (Caribbean), due to the diversity of soils and environments. We collected 10 plant associations belonging to the class Byrsonimo-Pinetea caribaea growing on siliceous, calcareous and sandy substrates and 21 associations on special,
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A phytosociological review is carried out of the pine forest formations on the islands of Cuba and Hispaniola (Caribbean), due to the diversity of soils and environments. We collected 10 plant associations belonging to the class Byrsonimo-Pinetea caribaea growing on siliceous, calcareous and sandy substrates and 21 associations on special, serpentine and ophite substrates and on ultramafic rocks belonging to the class Caseario crassinervis-Pinetea cubensis, exclusive to Cuba; while the association of pine forests on serpentines in Hispaniola is included in the class Phyllantho orbicularis-Neobracetea valenzuelanae with a Caribbean distribution. The comparative phytosociological and statistical study reveals phytosociological anomalies in the inclusion of various syntaxa, and in the description of other syntaxa according to the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature (ICPN). We therefore propose a change in status for several of the subassociations described: subass. ilicetosum repandae: syn. var. con Ilex repanda; subass. schmidtottietosum shaferi: syn. var. with Schmidtottia shaferi; subass. acrosynanthetosum trachyphylli: syn. var. with Acrosynanthus trachyphyllus; subass. psychotrietosum grandis: var. con Psychotria grandis; subass. notodonetosum roigii: syn. var. with Notodon roigii. We also propose a nomen novum: jaquinietosum oxhyphyllae Reyes & Acosta 2012 ex Cano et al. hoc loco.Full article
Review Article
ISSN: 2770-5536
DOI prefix: 10.31586/rjees
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