Affiliation: Department of Forestry, Halu Oleo University, Indonesia
Research interests: Bee products; Apiteraphy; Non timber forest products; Natural products; Medicinal plants, Herbal medicine; Ethnpharmacology
Web of Science ResearcherID: C-3800-2019
Scopus Author ID: 56256122900 View Scopus Profile
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Affiliation: Chengdu Easton Biopharmaceuticals Co. Ltd., 611731 Chengdu, P. R. China
Research interests: Nano metal catalysts; Continuous flow chemistry; New synthetic methodologies, biotransformation, and green chemistry
Affiliation: Department of Pharmacy, Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Research interests: Ethnopharmacology; Phytochemistry; Teaching learning activities on Natural drugs; Ethnopharmacology and Tissue culture of endangered plants; Standardization of plant based crude drugs, crude drugs extracts and traditional formulation; Development of natural product based drugs (especially anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-oxidant, anti-head lice, laxative), health foods and herbal cosmetics