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Open Access February 07, 2023 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Relations between Dentistry and COVID-19 Infections

Abstract As a result of the virus's global dissemination, novel COVID-19 infections have emerged as a significant obstacle for all healthcare professionals to overcome. Dental specialist plays an effective role in the prevention of coronavirus. Dental care units and settings face various problems relating to the transmission of disease during treatment and dental operations. Blood, saliva, and mixed water [...] Read more.
As a result of the virus's global dissemination, novel COVID-19 infections have emerged as a significant obstacle for all healthcare professionals to overcome. Dental specialist plays an effective role in the prevention of coronavirus. Dental care units and settings face various problems relating to the transmission of disease during treatment and dental operations. Blood, saliva, and mixed water droplets possessing the virus cause contamination of equipment used for dental treatment. Both patients and workers may become transmitters and infectors of COVID-19 through direct contact during dental operations. Both dental workers and patients are likely to become infectors and transmitters of COVID-19. The dental care routine is very effective as we discussed below the prevention steps are very effective. All healthcare workers at the dentistry clinics, including nurses, should collaborate to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus among patients.
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