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Open Access July 04, 2022 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Recycling Fabric Waste into Functional Interior Decoration Pieces

Abstract This study seeks to collect, recycle and repurpose fabrics waste into decorative household items to reinforce the concept of recycling as a viable alternative to indiscriminate dumping that leads to environmental pollution. It has been observed that garment producers, fashion designers, dressmakers, seamstresses and tailors generate several quantities of fabric waste which are initially piled up [...] Read more.
This study seeks to collect, recycle and repurpose fabrics waste into decorative household items to reinforce the concept of recycling as a viable alternative to indiscriminate dumping that leads to environmental pollution. It has been observed that garment producers, fashion designers, dressmakers, seamstresses and tailors generate several quantities of fabric waste which are initially piled up to occupy space at their workshops then later disposed indiscriminately. For this studio-based study, an average of 300kg of fabric remnants which are generated by the 30 workshops of garment producers in four suburbs of Kumasi in the Ashanti region of Ghana were collected. The fabric waste was sorted into types, sizes, colours and textures, out of the 300kg collected, approximately 250kg were identified as cotton and the remaining 50kg were an assortment of polyester, nylon, rayon, wool, acetate and sateen. It also came out that the garment producers lack adequate knowledge on waste management, hence the indiscriminate disposal of the waste fabrics. The need for effective means of recycling without adverse repercussion to the environment was found critical. Based on the idea of recycle art, 280 kilograms of the fabric waste collected were converted into interior decoration pieces such as a pair of footrest, a set of arm rest, a set of chair-back, Others include a set of table mats, a set of placemats, a door mat, and a set of curtains and window blinds. It is anticipated that such craft activities will serves as pointers to craft people about the potential of waste fabrics as cheaper raw materials for diverse products and by extension help to reduce the waste management problems associated with fabric waste.
Review Article
Open Access July 30, 2021 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Air of Uncertainty from Pollution Profiteers: Status of Ambient Air Quality of Sawmill Industry in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State, Nigeria

Abstract We can’t stop breathing, but we can do something about the quality of air that we breathe. Clean fresh air is indispensable ingredient for a good life quality. Individuals poses the right towards expecting that the breathed air will not harm people. Thus, fighting air pollution will not only improve health outcomes, productivity, and well-being, it’s also essential toward reducing the emissions of [...] Read more.
We can’t stop breathing, but we can do something about the quality of air that we breathe. Clean fresh air is indispensable ingredient for a good life quality. Individuals poses the right towards expecting that the breathed air will not harm people. Thus, fighting air pollution will not only improve health outcomes, productivity, and well-being, it’s also essential toward reducing the emissions of greenhouse gas as well as fighting climate change. For examples, a third of the global population is at risk from unhealthy of ambient air pollutants concentrations, with the loss of approximately 6.4 million healthy-life-years attributed specifically to chronic exposure to ambient particulate matter. Expert panels have consistently rated air pollution as a greater health hazard than water pollution. Pollution of air is the leading source of unexplained and undiagnosed diseases, besides have remained associated with a variety of serious human health risks, and in fact, a threshold has not been established under which these pollutants exert no adverse effects. This study evaluates ambient air quality at major sawmill sites in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State, Nigeria. “Measurements of Air pollution were accurately carried out using direct reading, automatic in situ gas monitors; Hand held mobile multi-gas monitor with model AS8900 [Combustible (LEL), and Oxygen (O2)], BLATN with model BR – Smart Series air quality monitor (PM10, Formaldehyde) and air quality multimeter with model B SIDE EET100 (Dust (PM2.5), VOC, Temperature and Relative Humidity)”. The outcomes disclosed among others, the average concentrations of CO, O2 as well as other measured parameters for instance formaldehyde (HcHo) etc., they are also consistently low as well as within acceptable range in terms of National as well as Global monitoring standards for air quality indices. However, there are few exceptions for instance the average volatile organic compounds (VOCs) concentrations, PM2.5, PM10 as well as Combustible (LEL) respectively, which are higher when compared to National and Global standards. This high figure is due to pollutant amount existing in the sawmills air environment resulting from input of influents from activities of the sawmill. However, as a result, air pollution in the city of Ilorin is found to be increasingly polluted and are of major health concern because of their synergistic action. Due to the high evidences and values, it can lead to a remarkable rise in over-all figure of hospital visits/ patients’ admissions with acute respiratory illnesses as soon as air pollutants level remained high. Hence, there is the need for an aggressive control of ambient air pollution.
Open Access July 25, 2022 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Techniques and Strategies Use in Assessing Social Studies Concepts

Abstract The purpose of the study was to examine techniques and strategies use in assessing Social Studies concepts in the three senior high schools in Sefwi Wiawso Municipality in the Western North Region of Ghana. Qualitatively, the research design for this study was a Case study. The population for this study consisted of all ten (10) Social Studies teachers in three public Senior High Schools (Wiawso [...] Read more.
The purpose of the study was to examine techniques and strategies use in assessing Social Studies concepts in the three senior high schools in Sefwi Wiawso Municipality in the Western North Region of Ghana. Qualitatively, the research design for this study was a Case study. The population for this study consisted of all ten (10) Social Studies teachers in three public Senior High Schools (Wiawso Senior High School, Wiawso Senior/Technical school, and Asawinso senior high school) in Sefwi Wiawso municipality in the Western North Region of Ghana. Purposive and convenient sampling techniques were used to select municipalities, schools, and Social Studies teachers for the study. The main instrument used for data collection was interview. The data were edited before being analyzed in themes and pattern. Being a case study design in qualitative research, the researcher read through the data several times so as to familiarize with the data, making notes, referring back to the research question, making decisions whether to focus on individual responses or on topics. The interview data were interpreted to articulate meaning, making decisions on whether to use direct quotes or the summary of respondents’ responses and reporting the data considering the interest of various audiences. The study revealed that teachers used various teaching techniques such as brainstorming, simulation, discovery-learning, role-play discussion, dramatization, problem-solving, and building a community implies that they believed in child-centered method of the teaching and learning of Social Studies. The study also concluded that Social Studies teachers use techniques and strategies like concept attainment, field trips, and debate co-operative learning in motivating and providing learners with the opportunity to interact with their own community or environment. It is recommended that Social Studies teachers should make effort either to go on field trips or make use of available experts that are in their communities by inviting them into the Social Studies classrooms to tap into their rich knowledge to enhance concept learning. It is also recommended that frequent seminars and periodic or regular in-service training should be organised by the Ghana Education Service to help Social Studies teachers to acquaint themselves with the modern teaching techniques and strategies that promote the teaching and learning of Social Studies concepts.
Open Access March 23, 2022 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Green Synthesis and Characterization of Cobalt, Iron and Copper Nanoparticles Derived from the Stem-Bark Extract of Khaya Senegalensis (Mahogany) and Its Antimirobial Activity

Abstract During the past few decades, many of the synthetic chemicals are able to produce nanoparticles and nanoclusters, although these chemicals primarily act as reducing and capping agents, they are very toxic and hazardous and make the nanoparticles biologically incompatible. Thus there is need for green chemistry that includes a clean, non-toxic and environmental friendly method of nanoparticles [...] Read more.
During the past few decades, many of the synthetic chemicals are able to produce nanoparticles and nanoclusters, although these chemicals primarily act as reducing and capping agents, they are very toxic and hazardous and make the nanoparticles biologically incompatible. Thus there is need for green chemistry that includes a clean, non-toxic and environmental friendly method of nanoparticles synthesis. Cobalt, iron and copper nanoparticles were synthesized using the stem-bark extract of khayasenegalensis (mahogany) where cobalt chloride (CoCl2 6H2O), ferric chloride (FeCl2), and copper sulphate (CuSO4 H2O) were used as the metal precursor respectively. The change in color from light brown to dark brown indicates the formation of cobalt nanoparticles, from light brown to dark green indicates the formation of copper nanoparticles and also the change in color from light brown to a dark color indicates formation of iron nanoparticles. The nanoparticles were further characterized using UV visible spectroscopy, FTIR, and SEM. The UV result for CoNPs showed the highest peak at 500nm and both FeNPs and CuNPs showed the highest peak at 300nm. The FTIR results for all the nanoparticles showed the presence of Alkaloids and triterpenes. Also the SEM result showed spherical granular, partially dispersed and monodispersed morphology for CoNPs, FeNPs and CuNPs respectively. Moreover, the antibacterial activity of the synthesized NPs when tested against two gram positive bacteria and two gram negative bacteria was evaluated and good results were obtained. The antifungal activity when tested against two fungi showed a very good result.

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