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Open Access March 06, 2024 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Liver Cancer: A Psychological CBT Group Intervention Possibility Based on Scientific Review

Abstract This article focuses on primary liver cancer and tries to present a possible CBT-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy group intervention of 6 sessions and a follow up based on a scientific review. We present an international national data analyze of the problem and characterize it in terms of symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. From the psychological point of view our goal is to show and reflect on the [...] Read more.
This article focuses on primary liver cancer and tries to present a possible CBT-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy group intervention of 6 sessions and a follow up based on a scientific review. We present an international national data analyze of the problem and characterize it in terms of symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. From the psychological point of view our goal is to show and reflect on the connection between theory and practice in research mental health and the quality of life of people suffering from liver cancer. CBT interventions programme have shown efficacy and effectiveness on improving quality of life of patients. The expected outcomes of CBT intervention are mainly a better adaptation to cancer and a better perception on quality of live.
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Keyword:  Matilde Silva
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