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Open Access July 04, 2022 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Flora and Phytosociological of Plant in Al-Dawaimah of Palestine

Abstract Al-Dawaimah is an ancient Canaanite Palestinian village, occupied in 1948 by Israel, and belongs to inframediterranean to thermomediterranean thermotype and arid, semi-arid, and dry ombrotype. The study presents, a region rich in many plant vascular, and it is part of the Palestinian coast, North Africa, the Negev and the Sinai desert, in addition to the mountainous hills of Palestine located west of the Hebron, Jordan River and the Dead Sea. The objective is to identify and update the flora and vegetation in the area of Al-Dawaimah and its neighboring areas in west Hebron of Palestine. Methodology: More than 270 plant specimens have been taken from Al-Dawaimah and surroundings areas, using Braun-Blanquet, Van der Maarel and Salvador River Martinez methods to study the flora, and phytosociological plants, and 214 x 10 plants plots distributed in area were studied. Result and discussion: Three different plant communities were identified, in different environments between arid, dry- subhumid ombrotype and infra-thermomediterranean thermotype, and different soils as (carbon substrates as brown ruinsenas and terra rossa lands, limestone and others), where more than 214 species of plants have been found, of which 45 (20.02%) are endemic species, and in Raunkiaer's life system, trees represent were, (86; 40.18% trees), (34; 15.88% shrubs), (51; 23.83% chamaephytes), (10; 4.67% geophytes), (16; 7.47% phanerophytes), and (12; 6.54% hemicryptophytes). Conclusion: In Al-Dawaimah area, syntaxonomical performance of these associations are: Quercetalia ilicis Br.-Bl. ex Molinier 1934. Rhamno lycioidis-Quercion cocciferae Rivas Goday ex Rivas-Martinez 1975. 1. Rhamnus palaestinae- Quercetum calliprini ass. nova., Pistacio lentisci -Rhamnetalia alaterni Rivas-Martínez 1975. 2. Ceratonio siliquae -Pistacetum lentisci ass. nova., Junipero phoeniceae- Pinon acutisquamae A.V. Pérez et Cabezudo in A.V. Pérez et al. 1988 corr. Rivas-Martinez. et al. 2002. Pinetalia halepensis Biondi et al. 2014. 3. Junipero phoeniceae- Pinetum halepensis [...] Read more.
Al-Dawaimah is an ancient Canaanite Palestinian village, occupied in 1948 by Israel, and belongs to inframediterranean to thermomediterranean thermotype and arid, semi-arid, and dry ombrotype. The study presents, a region rich in many plant vascular, and it is part of the Palestinian coast, North Africa, the Negev and the Sinai desert, in addition to the mountainous hills of Palestine located west of the Hebron, Jordan River and the Dead Sea. The objective is to identify and update the flora and vegetation in the area of Al-Dawaimah and its neighboring areas in west Hebron of Palestine. Methodology: More than 270 plant specimens have been taken from Al-Dawaimah and surroundings areas, using Braun-Blanquet, Van der Maarel and Salvador River Martinez methods to study the flora, and phytosociological plants, and 214 x 10 plants plots distributed in area were studied. Result and discussion: Three different plant communities were identified, in different environments between arid, dry- subhumid ombrotype and infra-thermomediterranean thermotype, and different soils as (carbon substrates as brown ruinsenas and terra rossa lands, limestone and others), where more than 214 species of plants have been found, of which 45 (20.02%) are endemic species, and in Raunkiaer's life system, trees represent were, (86; 40.18% trees), (34; 15.88% shrubs), (51; 23.83% chamaephytes), (10; 4.67% geophytes), (16; 7.47% phanerophytes), and (12; 6.54% hemicryptophytes). Conclusion: In Al-Dawaimah area, syntaxonomical performance of these associations are: Quercetalia ilicis Br.-Bl. ex Molinier 1934. Rhamno lycioidis-Quercion cocciferae Rivas Goday ex Rivas-Martinez 1975. 1. Rhamnus palaestinae- Quercetum calliprini ass. nova., Pistacio lentisci -Rhamnetalia alaterni Rivas-Martínez 1975. 2. Ceratonio siliquae -Pistacetum lentisci ass. nova., Junipero phoeniceae- Pinon acutisquamae A.V. Pérez et Cabezudo in A.V. Pérez et al. 1988 corr. Rivas-Martinez. et al. 2002. Pinetalia halepensis Biondi et al. 2014. 3. Junipero phoeniceae- Pinetum halepensis ass. nova.

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Keyword:   Asma Abdel-Raheem Ahmed Suliemieh

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