The purpose of this study was to evaluate a practical model in teaching double indicator titration in chemistry in the senior high schools in Ghana Research design for the study was Action research. The population was made up of chemistry teachers and students. in four senior high schools with two schools located in the Kwaebibirim District and two senior high schools located in the Denkyembuo [...] Read more.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate a practical model in teaching double indicator titration in chemistry in the senior high schools in Ghana Research design for the study was Action research. The population was made up of chemistry teachers and students. in four senior high schools with two schools located in the Kwaebibirim District and two senior high schools located in the Denkyembuo District of the Eastern Region of Ghana. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were used to select the respondents for the study. The sample comprised of twenty-five (25) chemistry teachers and one hundred and fifty (150) students in the four Senior High schools. The study indicated that Chemistry teachers would improve upon the academic performance of chemistry students in double indicator titration when they use the developed practical teaching model (DEPTEM) more. The main instruments used in this study were classroom observational checklists and questionnaires. Descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation) were used to analyze the data gathered. Coding schemes were developed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) (version 21) to organize the data into meaningful and manageable categories. The study also revealed that the outcome of the post-test indicated that, the DEPTEM impact differently on the academic performance of SHS male and female chemistry students in the Kwaebibirim and Denkyembuo Districts of the Eastern Region. It is recommended that the government and non-governmental organizations should collaborate with the Ministry of Education to sponsor in production of more of the developed practical model (DEPTEM) for teaching chemistry lessons. This in a way would help improve the academic performance of chemistry students in the Kwaebibirim and Denkyembuo Districts of the Eastern Region and the nation at large. It is also recommended that chemistry teachers should consider teaching methods that would equally cater to both male and female chemistry students during chemistry lessons.