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Open Access December 19, 2023 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Conservation of Cuabal from Community Environmental Education: Results of an Implemented Proposal

Abstract The spiny xeromorphic shrublands on serpentine (cuabales) constitute outstanding plant formations for the conservation of Cuban biodiversity, due to their floristic richness, high number of endemic species and local endemism, as well as their economic, social, cultural value and functions environmental. In the Callejón de Los Patos of Santa Clara, there are relicts of cuabal, although they show a [...] Read more.
The spiny xeromorphic shrublands on serpentine (cuabales) constitute outstanding plant formations for the conservation of Cuban biodiversity, due to their floristic richness, high number of endemic species and local endemism, as well as their economic, social, cultural value and functions environmental. In the Callejón de Los Patos of Santa Clara, there are relicts of cuabal, although they show a high level of deterioration due to human activity. This article presents the main results of an investigation, which focused on implementing actions for the development of Community Environmental Education, with emphasis on the conservation of cuabal, in Callejón de Los Patos. For the intervention process, the Community Self-Development Methodology was used, which is qualitative par excellence, and the investigative methods: document analysis, participant observation, in-depth, group and structured interviews, drawing directed, the reflective group, techniques group and triangulation of data. The main results of the research are: the diagnosis and implementation of actions, designed from the process of Community Environmental Education, which was developed at the Carlos Manuel de Céspedes National Rural School, of said settlement. During the intervention process, the development of cognitive, procedural and attitudinal knowledge for the conservation of cuabal was verified in the schoolchildren, contributing to the strengthening of the school as the most important cultural center of the community, as aspired in the Cuban National Education System.
Open Access July 13, 2022 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

The Cuabal of Callejón de Los Patos, in Santa Clara: Need for Its Sustainability

Abstract In Cuba, the great diversity and high endemism of the plant formations on serpentine stand out. Cuabales (scrub xeromorphic thorny on serpentine) present important natural values for the sustainability of Cuban biodiversity, but with a high degree of vulnerability. Although there are currently several investigations into the flora and vegetation of these ecosystems, there is a scientific vacuum on [...] Read more.
In Cuba, the great diversity and high endemism of the plant formations on serpentine stand out. Cuabales (scrub xeromorphic thorny on serpentine) present important natural values for the sustainability of Cuban biodiversity, but with a high degree of vulnerability. Although there are currently several investigations into the flora and vegetation of these ecosystems, there is a scientific vacuum on the conservation of these plant formations, from the social point of view. In the Callejón de Los Patos of Santa Clara, there is a cuabal, although it presents a high level of deterioration, due to anthropic activity. This research focused on assessing environmental management for the sustainability of the cuabal of Callejón de Los Patos of Santa Clara. The methodological perspective that predominated in the research process was qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data was incorporated to better visualize the trend in the analysis of the results. The investigative methods used were: observation, document analysis, in-depth and structured interviews. The diagnosed results showed insufficient knowledge, in the inhabitants of Callejón de Los Patos, related to the cuabal, its sustainability, and its importance. The absence of collective projection of actions to mitigate environmental problems identified in the settlement, that affect the deterioration of said plant formation was detected; results demonstrate poor environmental management for the sustainability of cuabal.

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Keyword:   Georgina del Pilar Castro Acevedo

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