The study aimed to examine the availability of protective clothing and its usage among workers at the University of Cape Coast in the central region of Ghana. It used the Accident-Proneness Theory and the Theory of Reasoned Action to achieve the study's objectives. The study adopted the positivist research paradigm. The study used a descriptive design with mixed methods. The study population [...] Read more.
The study aimed to examine the availability of protective clothing and its usage among workers at the University of Cape Coast in the central region of Ghana. It used the Accident-Proneness Theory and the Theory of Reasoned Action to achieve the study's objectives. The study adopted the positivist research paradigm. The study used a descriptive design with mixed methods. The study population comprised all workers and supervisors whose work demands the use of protective clothing at the University of Cape Coast. The study used multistage sampling techniques (stratified, purposive, proportional and Systematic random sampling techniques) to select one hundred and ninety-six departmental workers and five (5) supervisors in the University. The main instruments for data collection were a Semi-structured questionnaire and an unstructured interview guide. Mean and standard deviation, frequency count, and percentages were used to analyse the quantitative data. The qualitative data was analysed through the development of data categories and themes. The study concluded that “not all the protective clothing for the various departments were available. The University ensured that workers used what was in stock at the department. The protective clothing supplied to the various departments was insufficient, so their continuous use of the existing ones got them defaced, bringing about shortages. The study also revealed that workers used protective clothing most often, but not all used it because safety laws were relaxed. The study recommended that the University ensure a regular and adequate supply of PPC, insist on its usage, and enforce the use of PPC by all workers whose work demands it.