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Open Access September 12, 2024 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Assessment of Coping Strategies Among Nursing Students: Basis for Psychological First Aid

Abstract Background: Telomere length is a critical biomarker of cellular aging and overall health. While childhood socioeconomic status (SES) indicators such as education and poverty can have long-lasting effects on biological aging, research has shown contradictory results regarding the impact of adulthood SES on future telomere length, particularly in racially and ethnically diverse individuals. [...] Read more.
Background: Telomere length is a critical biomarker of cellular aging and overall health. While childhood socioeconomic status (SES) indicators such as education and poverty can have long-lasting effects on biological aging, research has shown contradictory results regarding the impact of adulthood SES on future telomere length, particularly in racially and ethnically diverse individuals. This study investigates the effects of baseline adulthood SES indicators such as education and poverty on telomere length nine years later in women, using data from the Future of Families and Child Wellbeing Study (FFCWS). Methods: We analyzed data from the FFCWS, a longitudinal cohort study. The sample included baseline adulthood SES and follow-up telomere length measure of women (n = 2,421) with varying socioeconomic conditions. Telomere length was measured from saliva samples nine years after the baseline measure of adulthood SES. Education, poverty, and marital status at baseline were assessed. Multivariate linear regression models were used to examine the association between adulthood SES indicators at baseline and future telomere length, controlling for potential confounders. Results: From the total 2,421 women, 675 were Latino White, 1,158 were non-Latino Black, and 588 were non-Latino White. Our findings indicate that for non-Latino White women poverty at certain level, and childbirth weight, and for non-Latino Black maternal age were predictors of telomere lengths nine years later. Conclusion: Poverty at a specific level, maternal age and childbirth weight serve as predictors of telomere lengths nine years later in some women. These findings underscore the importance of socioeconomic factors and early-life influences in understanding telomere dynamics and aging processes among women from varied racial and ethnic backgrounds.

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