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Open Access February 07, 2023 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Prevalence of Anemia and Variations of Hematological Parameters among Anemic Hemodialysis Patients in the Tripoli Region

Abstract Background: Prolonged decline in the ability of the kidney to regulate acid–base balance, eliminate waste products, and manage water homeostasis and entered chronic phase, toxic metabolic accumulates and erythropoietin secretion by the kidney is decreasing and causes hematological changes including decrease of HCT, MCV, RBCs and platelet counts. Hemodialysis became a practical treatment for kidney failure and is the most common method used to treat advanced and permanent kidney failure. Anemia is one of the most common complications in hemodialysis patients. Objectives: The study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of anemia among hemodialysis patients and investigate the variations of hematological parameters among anemic hemodialysis patients in the Tripoli region. Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted on 250 renal failure patients, attending Tripoli Center for dialysis and 100 normal healthy subjects. The study Ethical Committee of the medical centers and the Libyan Academy of graduate studies reviewed and approved the study design and patient consent statements were taken from each patient. Information's about the patients were recorded in a questionnaire. A blood sample of 5 ml was drawn by venous puncture from each normal healthy individual and hemodialysis patient. 2.5 ml of the blood sample was collected in K-EDTA tubes for the hematological examinations and another 2.5 ml of the blood sample was collected in a plain tubes for biochemical tests (serum urea, creatinine, and uric acid concentrations). The hematological parameters (RBCs count, Hb, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, WBCs count, differential count of WBCs, and Platelets count) were determined using an automated hematology analyzer Sysmex (K- 4500) machine. The data were compared using GraphPad Prism version.9. The statistical significance of differences between groups was evaluated with the independent t-test. A P-value of <0.05 was considered significant for all statistical tests. Results: The results showed that the prevalence of anemia among hemodialysis patients was 89.8%. The degrees of anemia were 17% severe, 71.66% moderate, and 11.34% mild anemia. The types of anemia were 13.36% microcytic hypochromic, 82.59% normocytic hypochromic, and 4.05% macrocytic hypochromic anemia. RBCs, WBCs & platelets counts, Hct, MCHC, and Lymphocytes % showed a significant (P<0.01) decrease, and MCV was a significant (P<0.01) increase in the anemic hemodialysis patients compared with the healthy individuals. But, a significant (P<0.05) decrease in MCH was observed in the anemic hemodialysis patients when compared with the healthy individuals. A significant correlation was observed between RBCs and their indices with most of the hematological parameters. A significant (P<0.01) negative correlation was observed between serum urea with Hb, and RBCs count and Hct. While, a significant (P<0.01) positive correlation was recorded between uric acid with platelets count. A significant (P<0.05) positive correlation was observed between gender with platelets count, while, a significant negative correlation was recorded between gender with serum urea (P<0.01), creatinine, and uric acid, and Hb (P<0.05). A significant (P<0.01) negative correlation was observed between blood groups with serum uric acid. A significant (P<0.01) positive correlation was observed between durations of hemodialysis with RBCs count and Hb, while, a significant (P<0.05 [...] Read more.
Background: Prolonged decline in the ability of the kidney to regulate acid–base balance, eliminate waste products, and manage water homeostasis and entered chronic phase, toxic metabolic accumulates and erythropoietin secretion by the kidney is decreasing and causes hematological changes including decrease of HCT, MCV, RBCs and platelet counts. Hemodialysis became a practical treatment for kidney failure and is the most common method used to treat advanced and permanent kidney failure. Anemia is one of the most common complications in hemodialysis patients. Objectives: The study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of anemia among hemodialysis patients and investigate the variations of hematological parameters among anemic hemodialysis patients in the Tripoli region. Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted on 250 renal failure patients, attending Tripoli Center for dialysis and 100 normal healthy subjects. The study Ethical Committee of the medical centers and the Libyan Academy of graduate studies reviewed and approved the study design and patient consent statements were taken from each patient. Information's about the patients were recorded in a questionnaire. A blood sample of 5 ml was drawn by venous puncture from each normal healthy individual and hemodialysis patient. 2.5 ml of the blood sample was collected in K-EDTA tubes for the hematological examinations and another 2.5 ml of the blood sample was collected in a plain tubes for biochemical tests (serum urea, creatinine, and uric acid concentrations). The hematological parameters (RBCs count, Hb, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, WBCs count, differential count of WBCs, and Platelets count) were determined using an automated hematology analyzer Sysmex (K- 4500) machine. The data were compared using GraphPad Prism version.9. The statistical significance of differences between groups was evaluated with the independent t-test. A P-value of <0.05 was considered significant for all statistical tests. Results: The results showed that the prevalence of anemia among hemodialysis patients was 89.8%. The degrees of anemia were 17% severe, 71.66% moderate, and 11.34% mild anemia. The types of anemia were 13.36% microcytic hypochromic, 82.59% normocytic hypochromic, and 4.05% macrocytic hypochromic anemia. RBCs, WBCs & platelets counts, Hct, MCHC, and Lymphocytes % showed a significant (P<0.01) decrease, and MCV was a significant (P<0.01) increase in the anemic hemodialysis patients compared with the healthy individuals. But, a significant (P<0.05) decrease in MCH was observed in the anemic hemodialysis patients when compared with the healthy individuals. A significant correlation was observed between RBCs and their indices with most of the hematological parameters. A significant (P<0.01) negative correlation was observed between serum urea with Hb, and RBCs count and Hct. While, a significant (P<0.01) positive correlation was recorded between uric acid with platelets count. A significant (P<0.05) positive correlation was observed between gender with platelets count, while, a significant negative correlation was recorded between gender with serum urea (P<0.01), creatinine, and uric acid, and Hb (P<0.05). A significant (P<0.01) negative correlation was observed between blood groups with serum uric acid. A significant (P<0.01) positive correlation was observed between durations of hemodialysis with RBCs count and Hb, while, a significant (P<0.05) negative correlation was recorded between durations of hemodialysis with body weight, and MCHC. Conclusion: It can be concluded that a higher prevalence of moderate, normocytic hypochromic anemia among hemodialysis patients. Also, results showed a significant variation in hematological parameters among the anemic hemodialysis patients. So, hemodialysis patients advice to examine the hematological parameters and treated from anemia if detected.
Open Access December 25, 2022 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Evaluation of Blood Pressure, Liver Function, and Hemoglobin Concentration Alterations in Cigarette Smokers on the West Coast of Libya

Abstract Background: Cigarette smoking is one of the 10 greatest contributors to global death and disease. Cigarette smoking is the most common type of tobacco use. In average, to date 47.5% of men and 10.3% of women are current smokers. Tobacco continues to be the second major cause of death in the world. It consists of many chemicals, including cytotoxic, carcinogenic and free radicals, therefore it affects many organs if not all. Objective: The aim of this study is to assess the extent of adverse effect of cigarette smoking on blood pressure, liver function, and hemoglobin concentration in male population on the West Coast of Libya. Methods: This study was conducted on (200) healthy male subjects, their ages ranged from 15 to 85 years. They were divided into four groups; 50 non-smokers as control group (age between 15-35 years), 50 smokers (age between 15-35 years), 50 non-smokers as control group (age between 36-84 years) and 50 smokers (age between 36-84 years). The blood was collected in EDTA tubes to test the Complete blood count (CBC) and in plain tubes for biochemical assay (activities of liver enzymes). The Blood pressure of subjects was measured directly after sample collection. Result: The blood pressure among the group of age 36-84y was significantly higher (P < 0.05) when compared between the smokers and the nonsmokers group, while among the group of age 15-35 was not significant. The results of liver enzymes activities among the group of age 36-84y showed that ALT and ALP were significantly high (P <0.05) in the smoker group when compared with the nonsmoker group, while serum AST was not significant (P>0.05). However, among the group of age between 15-35 years, the results showed that statistically significant differences (P<0.05 [...] Read more.
Background: Cigarette smoking is one of the 10 greatest contributors to global death and disease. Cigarette smoking is the most common type of tobacco use. In average, to date 47.5% of men and 10.3% of women are current smokers. Tobacco continues to be the second major cause of death in the world. It consists of many chemicals, including cytotoxic, carcinogenic and free radicals, therefore it affects many organs if not all. Objective: The aim of this study is to assess the extent of adverse effect of cigarette smoking on blood pressure, liver function, and hemoglobin concentration in male population on the West Coast of Libya. Methods: This study was conducted on (200) healthy male subjects, their ages ranged from 15 to 85 years. They were divided into four groups; 50 non-smokers as control group (age between 15-35 years), 50 smokers (age between 15-35 years), 50 non-smokers as control group (age between 36-84 years) and 50 smokers (age between 36-84 years). The blood was collected in EDTA tubes to test the Complete blood count (CBC) and in plain tubes for biochemical assay (activities of liver enzymes). The Blood pressure of subjects was measured directly after sample collection. Result: The blood pressure among the group of age 36-84y was significantly higher (P < 0.05) when compared between the smokers and the nonsmokers group, while among the group of age 15-35 was not significant. The results of liver enzymes activities among the group of age 36-84y showed that ALT and ALP were significantly high (P <0.05) in the smoker group when compared with the nonsmoker group, while serum AST was not significant (P>0.05). However, among the group of age between 15-35 years, the results showed that statistically significant differences (P<0.05) were observed in ALT and AST activities for the smoker group when compared with the nonsmoker group. Regarding RBCs count and hemoglobin concentration among both of groups (age between 15-35 & 36-84 years), the results showed that a significant difference in mean RBCs count and hemoglobin concentration were noted between the smokers and the nonsmokers. Conclusion: It can be concluded that exposure to cigarette smoking leads to an increase the blood pressure. Cigarette smoking can lead to an increase in liver enzymes activities, RBCs count and Hb concentration.
Open Access December 14, 2022 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Haematological Alterations among Patients with Oral and Dental Health Problems in the Tripoli Region

Abstract Background: Oral health plays an important role in maintaining life functions and quality of life. Gingivitis and periodontitis are two forms of periodontal disease that exist on a spectrum ranging from bleeding, erythematous, and inflamed gingival tissue to the loss of attachment and alveolar bone. Dental caries and periodontal diseases are the most common oral ailments and the major causes of tooth loss. Objectives: The study aimed to evaluate the haematological alterations among patients with oral and dental health problems in the Tripoli region. Material and Methods: The present study was conducted on 200 patients with oral and dental health problems attending six medical centers in Tripoli region from the 01st March 2022 to the 01st June 2022. Also, 100 healthy individuals without any oral and dental health problems or any other diseases were recruited as a control group. This study was approved by the Research and Ethical Committee of the Libyan Academy of graduate studies and medical centers. One ml of venous blood was withdrawn from each participant in the study for the determination of haematological parameters. The data were compared using SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 26. Results: The results showed that red blood corpuscles (RBCs) count, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit value, MCV, MCH, and MCHC in patients with oral and dental health problems were decreased significantly (P<0.01) compared to the control group. White blood cell count, neutrophils%, and platelets count in patients with oral and dental health problems were significantly (P<0.01) increased compared to the control group. On the other hand, lymphocytes% and mixed % WBCs were significantly (P<0. [...] Read more.
Background: Oral health plays an important role in maintaining life functions and quality of life. Gingivitis and periodontitis are two forms of periodontal disease that exist on a spectrum ranging from bleeding, erythematous, and inflamed gingival tissue to the loss of attachment and alveolar bone. Dental caries and periodontal diseases are the most common oral ailments and the major causes of tooth loss. Objectives: The study aimed to evaluate the haematological alterations among patients with oral and dental health problems in the Tripoli region. Material and Methods: The present study was conducted on 200 patients with oral and dental health problems attending six medical centers in Tripoli region from the 01st March 2022 to the 01st June 2022. Also, 100 healthy individuals without any oral and dental health problems or any other diseases were recruited as a control group. This study was approved by the Research and Ethical Committee of the Libyan Academy of graduate studies and medical centers. One ml of venous blood was withdrawn from each participant in the study for the determination of haematological parameters. The data were compared using SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 26. Results: The results showed that red blood corpuscles (RBCs) count, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit value, MCV, MCH, and MCHC in patients with oral and dental health problems were decreased significantly (P<0.01) compared to the control group. White blood cell count, neutrophils%, and platelets count in patients with oral and dental health problems were significantly (P<0.01) increased compared to the control group. On the other hand, lymphocytes% and mixed % WBCs were significantly (P<0.01) decreased compared to the control group. Conclusion: It can be concluded that oral and dental health problems were associated with a significant alterations in haematological parameters. Red blood corpuscles count, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit value, MCV, MCH, MCHC, lymphocytes%, and mixed % WBCs were decreased significantly and White blood cell count, neutrophils%, and platelets count were significantly increased in patients with oral and dental health problems compared to the control group. Further studies are needed to confirm these results.
Open Access November 05, 2022 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Hepatic Histopathological Alterations induced by L-Arginine and/or Dexamethasone in Adult Male Albino Rats

Abstract The liver is critical organ for metabolic homeostasis and toxic substance clearance and plays an important role in the systemic response to critical illness. Acute panreatitis (AP) progresses with a local production of inflammatory mediators, eventually leading to systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Knowing that almost all pancreatic mediators released from the pancreas to the blood stream [...] Read more.
The liver is critical organ for metabolic homeostasis and toxic substance clearance and plays an important role in the systemic response to critical illness. Acute panreatitis (AP) progresses with a local production of inflammatory mediators, eventually leading to systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Knowing that almost all pancreatic mediators released from the pancreas to the blood stream may pass through the liver before their dilution in the systemic circulation, it would be reasonable to assume a determinant role of this organ in development of the inflammatory response associated with acute pancreatitis. Objectives: The study aimed to investigate the time courses of the effects of the exogenous glucocorticoids agonist dexamethasone on microscopical changes occurring in the liver of rats used as a model of AP induced by L-Arginine. Materials and Methods: 60 adult male albino rats weighing 150-200 gm were used. They were divided into 3 groups: Control group: Which is also divided into 2 subgroups (a & b) each of animals of the first were IM injected with 0.5ml/100gm B.W saline and those of second were injected by 0.5mg/100gm B.W dexamethasone. L-Arginine group: which received L-Arginine to induce AP. The animals of this group were divided into 3 subgroups a, b and c the animals of which were sacrificed 3 days, 2 weeks and 1 month after L-Arginine injection respectively. Dexamethasone and L-Arginine group: in which the animals were injected with both L-Arginine and dexamethasone. They were also divided into 3 subgroups a, b and c, the animals of which were sacrificed 3 days. 2 weeks, one month after the injection of the drugs. The liver of the scarified animals were dissected out and prepared for microscopical examination. Results: The histopathological changes that occurred in the livers of acute pancreatitis (AP) model animals started in the periphery of the classic hepatic lobules and progressively extended in a centripetal manner to involve all the cells of the lobules in the late period of the experiment. These changes were in the form of ballooning of the hepatocytes, progressive vacuolation of their cytoplasm most propably with fat globules and depletion of the PAS+ve glycogen granules. Injection of dexamethasone in AP model animals did not improve the case, but on the contrary it made the changes more intense, severe, and rapid. One month after injection of L-Arginine and dexamethasone, the hepatocytes all over the hepatic lobules were severely affected. They were markedly ballooned with severely vacuolated cytoplasm which was completely depleted from its PAS +ve glycogen granules, indicating severe fatty degeneration of the liver. Conclusion: From the previous data, it can be concluded that treatment of AP with dexamethasone is caused a late bad effect on the liver, where it causes its late fatty liver changes.

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Keyword:  Azab Elsayed Azab

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