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Open Access October 09, 2024 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Neuroprotection: at what cost, at what time, at what price?

Abstract Stroke and its disability have deserved the notoriety of a severe and potentially lethal condition, whose treatment is still challenging. The widely craved result of saving as much as possible from the neural tissue and eventually reviving what is thought to be in the ischemic penumbra – if not already dead and gone – is the outcome every clinician is dreaming of. There are several reviews on the [...] Read more.
Stroke and its disability have deserved the notoriety of a severe and potentially lethal condition, whose treatment is still challenging. The widely craved result of saving as much as possible from the neural tissue and eventually reviving what is thought to be in the ischemic penumbra – if not already dead and gone – is the outcome every clinician is dreaming of. There are several reviews on the issue, which have discussed several options of achieving neuroprotection in acute ischemic stroke. Of course, reviews are not and do not pretend to be exhaustive; new drugs enter repeatedly in the scene. We would limit our comments on some of the pharmacological agents, that although seem to be worldwide available, are still looking for obtaining the citizenship in the therapeutic armamentarium of acute ischemic stroke.
Open Access January 23, 2024 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Ethical assessment of the culture clash as a universal occurrence

Abstract The debate on culture clash necessitates a theoretical framework, and three perspectives that merit attention are homogenization, polarization, and hybridization theories. These intersecting paths lead to the hypothesis that all civilizations could assimilate into the Western model as it is currently conceived. Culture clash is approached from multiple angles due to the widely held belief that [...] Read more.
The debate on culture clash necessitates a theoretical framework, and three perspectives that merit attention are homogenization, polarization, and hybridization theories. These intersecting paths lead to the hypothesis that all civilizations could assimilate into the Western model as it is currently conceived. Culture clash is approached from multiple angles due to the widely held belief that rejecting culturally novel concepts is unethical. However, imposing new rules and customs will inevitably encounter innate resistance, as evidenced by numerous examples. The exchange of behavioral models does exist, with one of globalization's main tenets being the universality of values – including the uprooting of what we refer to as primitive manners. Nevertheless, anthropology and cultural research have witnessed intergenerational and long-term survival of elements that contemporary civilization believed it had overcome or at least suppressed deep within the subconscious mind. This article will offer an essayistic approach to certain forms of culture clash.
Open Access July 21, 2023 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Covid-19-Associated Myopericardial Injury: A Macro and Microscopic Description

Abstract Authors describe autoptic findings of two cases whose COVID-19 diagnosis was supported by laboratory data. Both patients were Caucasian individuals of middle age (one male, 47 years old; the other a female aging 36 years) that were considered as previously healthy. Clinically they died from cardiorespiratory insufficiency while being treated in intensive care units. None of them was intubated and [...] Read more.
Authors describe autoptic findings of two cases whose COVID-19 diagnosis was supported by laboratory data. Both patients were Caucasian individuals of middle age (one male, 47 years old; the other a female aging 36 years) that were considered as previously healthy. Clinically they died from cardiorespiratory insufficiency while being treated in intensive care units. None of them was intubated and blood oxygen levels (SpO2) decreased below 90% only during the agonal phase. Myopericardial changes were visible from a macroscopic point of view, with hemorrhagic and necrotic areas involving pericardium. Fresh hemorrhage and severe hyperemia were both signs of vascular damage and extravasation leading to acute myocardial injuries. Lymphocytic presence was disparate and not constant.
Clinical Image
Open Access August 25, 2022 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Gastrointestinal Injuries Following the Acute and Chronic Alcohol Abuse: An Update

Abstract The deleterious health effects of ethanol abuse are widely known and a diversity of medical conditions appear with excessive consumption. Acute and chronic abuse have different clinical characteristics, although severe intoxications are rare among alcoholics of a long career, where the systemic complications will dominate the symptomatology. While the medical focus acutely will mostly stay on the [...] Read more.
The deleterious health effects of ethanol abuse are widely known and a diversity of medical conditions appear with excessive consumption. Acute and chronic abuse have different clinical characteristics, although severe intoxications are rare among alcoholics of a long career, where the systemic complications will dominate the symptomatology. While the medical focus acutely will mostly stay on the nervous and circulatory effects, gastrointestinal complications that will come up chronically (liver, pancreas, bowel dysfunction) need proper consideration. Ethanol will affect gastrointestinal functionality through a triple action, directly on the epithelial cell and the secretory activity, by altering the motility and in the long-term scope, through promoting carcinogenesis. Medical teams dealing with acute and chronic ethanol intoxication or abuse must be aware of the multiple effects it shows, and perform a prompt diagnosis as well as appropriate intervention.

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