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Open Access September 23, 2021 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Standards for Digitization in Cases of Maps, Documents, and other Relics in the Service of Cultural Heritage

Abstract This paper discusses the analysis of correct digitization practices to follow for maximum performance of the technique. Although it is written for cases that fall within the broader context of culture and cultural heritage, it is ultimately about writing rules that are not limited to the above-mentioned cases, but can be used in more general situations, particularly printed materials. This paper [...] Read more.
This paper discusses the analysis of correct digitization practices to follow for maximum performance of the technique. Although it is written for cases that fall within the broader context of culture and cultural heritage, it is ultimately about writing rules that are not limited to the above-mentioned cases, but can be used in more general situations, particularly printed materials. This paper will therefore discuss the technical characteristics of the choice of digital imaging devices and distinguish the types of quality calculation in the different cases of digitized text, digitized manuscript, digitized maps, and photographs.
Open Access July 22, 2021 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Mapping Shoreline Changes Over the Years: The Case Study of Navarino Bay, Pylos, Messenia, Greece

Abstract This paper deals with the mapping of shorelines through existing maps. Its main purpose is not to give an accurate change of sea level and shoreline in general, but to give guidelines to a more general mapping of shorelines. Geographic Information System (GIS) and paleoenvironmental analysis are powerful tools for archaeology and environmental researches and contributes in such a direction. [...] Read more.
This paper deals with the mapping of shorelines through existing maps. Its main purpose is not to give an accurate change of sea level and shoreline in general, but to give guidelines to a more general mapping of shorelines. Geographic Information System (GIS) and paleoenvironmental analysis are powerful tools for archaeology and environmental researches and contributes in such a direction. Furthermore, this essay will present an analysis of the shoreline changes and the resultant geomorphologies during the prehistoric eras, especially the Mesolithic, Neolithic, and the Helladic eras of the area. The study area which was selected concerns the west part of Messenia Prefecture in Greece. More specifically it concerns the wider area of Pylos and the Navarino bay. The Navarino bay is located near the ancient city of Pylos and the kingdom and palace of Nestor during the Mycenaean period

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Keyword:  George Malaperdas

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