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Open Access September 18, 2022 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Check if a Graph is Bipartite or not & Bipartite Graph Coloring using Java

Abstract Nowadays, graphs including bigraphs are mostly used in various real-world applications such as search engines and social networks. The bigraph or bipartite graph is a graph whose vertex set is split into two disjoint vertex sets such that there is no edge between the same vertex set. The bipartite graphs are colored using only two colors. This article checks if a given graph is bipartite or not [...] Read more.
Nowadays, graphs including bigraphs are mostly used in various real-world applications such as search engines and social networks. The bigraph or bipartite graph is a graph whose vertex set is split into two disjoint vertex sets such that there is no edge between the same vertex set. The bipartite graphs are colored using only two colors. This article checks if a given graph is bipartite or not and finds the color assignments of the bipartite graph using Java implementation.
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Keyword:  Saraswatikaniga Raja

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