Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

Volume 2, Number 1, 2022

Open Access May 21, 2022 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Solid Waste Disposal Practices on the Environment

Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 2022, 2(1), 26-45. DOI: 10.31586/rjees.2022.309
The purpose of the study was to examine solid waste disposal situation and its resultant effects in Winneba The research adopted quantitative approach for the study. The design for this research was a descriptive survey. The population for the study were residents of Winneba Township the capital of the Effutu
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The purpose of the study was to examine solid waste disposal situation and its resultant effects in Winneba The research adopted quantitative approach for the study. The design for this research was a descriptive survey. The population for the study were residents of Winneba Township the capital of the Effutu municipality. The area is a fast growing urban community. Stratified sample sampling technique was used to select the respondents for the study. One hundred and fifty-six (156) residents were selected using strata sampling to answer questionnaires. The data entry and analysis was done by using the SPSS software package. The data was edited, coded and analysed into frequencies, percentages with interpretations. The study revealed that there was irregular or lack of routine collection of waste by WMD of EMA and ZoomLion Ghana Ltd. The study also indicated that, the landfill did not meet the requirement of a sanitary landfill as in the case of EMA and therefore could be described as an open dump. It is recommended that, adequate dustbins and skips should be provided by ZoomLion Ghana Ltd. in collaboration with the WMD and Municipal Assembly for residents in the Municipality for waste storage. It is recommended that the landfill site should be properly managed to avoid heaping of waste and burning.Full article
Open Access February 9, 2022 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Endemic Hemicryptophyte Grasslands of the High Mountains of the Caribbean

Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 2022, 2(1), 1-20. DOI: 10.31586/rjees.2022.184
Although there are numerous studies on the floristic composition of the Andean and Caribbean grasslands, there are limited information from a phytosociological point of view. This work therefore aims to highlight the differences in this important vegetation type in these two biodiversity hotspots to gain a better understanding of their
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Although there are numerous studies on the floristic composition of the Andean and Caribbean grasslands, there are limited information from a phytosociological point of view. This work therefore aims to highlight the differences in this important vegetation type in these two biodiversity hotspots to gain a better understanding of their floristic and vegetational richness. The floristic composition of Andean grasslands (Ecuador) and the island of Hispaniola is also studied. The reason for this comparative analysis of Andean and Caribbean territories is their tropical character and their bioclimatic similarities. The comparative analysis of Peruvian Andean and Colombian grasslands is based on floristic knowledge from the literature, our inventories on the island of Hispaniola, and the works of Peguero. We applied the phytosociological methodology of Braun-Blanquet and the code of phytosociological nomenclature. We performed a statistical analysis to verify the differences between both community types using the statistical packages PAST© and CAP3. The comparative analysis of Andean and Caribbean grasslands shows a clear floristic and biogeographical differentiation and reveals that the only ecological character they share is their high-mountain attribute. In the Caribbean these communities are found only on the island of Hispaniola (Dominican Republic) in the Central biogeographic sector, Central subprovince, Hispaniola province. These grasslands are exclusive to Hispaniola and have a high rate of endemics. We propose the following new syntaxa: the association Hyperico constanzae-Danthonietum domingensis, the alliance Hieracio domingensis-Deschampsion domingensis, the order Danthonietalia domingensis, and the class Deschampsio-Danthonietea domingensis. We found high biodiversity values for Andean and Caribbean areas. This is due to the intense anthropic activity on the island of Hispaniola, which has led to a high percentage of naturalized plants.Full article
Open Access June 23, 2022 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Priority tree and shrubs for use in Landscape Architecture based on the dynamic states of native vegetation with the highest ecological value in mainland Portugal

Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 2022, 2(1), 46-57. DOI: 10.31586/rjees.2022.234
The reduction of the native forests coverage in mainland Portugal increased in the past centuries, leading to a marked decrease in biodiversity in general, especially on typical species of mature forest environments. However, urban biodiversity seems to resist more effectively than rural to disturbances due to the lower incidence of
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The reduction of the native forests coverage in mainland Portugal increased in the past centuries, leading to a marked decrease in biodiversity in general, especially on typical species of mature forest environments. However, urban biodiversity seems to resist more effectively than rural to disturbances due to the lower incidence of fires, as well as to agriculture expansion. Thus, in this work, we analyzed the dynamics of the natural vegetation potential in each biogeographic sector, and selected, based on the evolutionary stages of the vegetation, a set of priority taxa for conservation. The criteria used are intended to highlight plants with ornamental value, but at the same time, some of them have high patrimonial value, belonging to the Red List of Vascular Flora of Mainland Portugal or protected by Annexes II, IV and V of the Sectorial Plan of the Natura 2000 Network at the European level. Our analysis resulted in the identification of 62 plants that can be increased in public spaces in order to improve their conservation status. For each biogeographic sector, the plants best adapted to the local edaphoclimatic conditions are presented. Forest habitats can now, through micro-reserves in urban areas, ensure their long-term conservation and greater awareness among the population. An integrated planning, where the socio-ecological strategy is designed for the long term, will benefit the quality of life of citizens in an urban environment. Furthermore, the creation of micro-reserves in urban parks (gardens) can prevent the extinction of many botanical values in the landscapes of the western Mediterranean Basin.Full article
Open Access July 3, 2022 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Flora and Phytosociological of Plant in Al-Dawaimah of Palestine

Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 2022, 2(1), 58-91. DOI: 10.31586/rjees.2022.202
Al-Dawaimah is an ancient Canaanite Palestinian village, occupied in 1948 by Israel, and belongs to inframediterranean to thermomediterranean thermotype and arid, semi-arid, and dry ombrotype. The study presents, a region rich in many plant vascular, and it is part of the Palestinian coast, North Africa, the Negev and the Sinai
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Al-Dawaimah is an ancient Canaanite Palestinian village, occupied in 1948 by Israel, and belongs to inframediterranean to thermomediterranean thermotype and arid, semi-arid, and dry ombrotype. The study presents, a region rich in many plant vascular, and it is part of the Palestinian coast, North Africa, the Negev and the Sinai desert, in addition to the mountainous hills of Palestine located west of the Hebron, Jordan River and the Dead Sea. The objective is to identify and update the flora and vegetation in the area of Al-Dawaimah and its neighboring areas in west Hebron of Palestine. Methodology: More than 270 plant specimens have been taken from Al-Dawaimah and surroundings areas, using Braun-Blanquet, Van der Maarel and Salvador River Martinez methods to study the flora, and phytosociological plants, and 214 x 10 plants plots distributed in area were studied. Result and discussion: Three different plant communities were identified, in different environments between arid, dry- subhumid ombrotype and infra-thermomediterranean thermotype, and different soils as (carbon substrates as brown ruinsenas and terra rossa lands, limestone and others), where more than 214 species of plants have been found, of which 45 (20.02%) are endemic species, and in Raunkiaer's life system, trees represent were, (86; 40.18% trees), (34; 15.88% shrubs), (51; 23.83% chamaephytes), (10; 4.67% geophytes), (16; 7.47% phanerophytes), and (12; 6.54% hemicryptophytes). Conclusion: In Al-Dawaimah area, syntaxonomical performance of these associations are: Quercetalia ilicis Br.-Bl. ex Molinier 1934. Rhamno lycioidis-Quercion cocciferae Rivas Goday ex Rivas-Martinez 1975. 1. Rhamnus palaestinae- Quercetum calliprini ass. nova., Pistacio lentisci -Rhamnetalia alaterni Rivas-Martínez 1975. 2. Ceratonio siliquae -Pistacetum lentisci ass. nova., Junipero phoeniceae- Pinon acutisquamae A.V. Pérez et Cabezudo in A.V. Pérez et al. 1988 corr. Rivas-Martinez. et al. 2002. Pinetalia halepensis Biondi et al. 2014. 3. Junipero phoeniceae- Pinetum halepensis ass. nova.Full article
Open Access March 21, 2022 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Ancient and modern grains, effects on human health: A first short review

Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 2022, 2(1), 21-25. DOI: 10.31586/rjees.2022.225
A short review concerning the distinction between ancient and modern grains or ancient and modern varieties of wheat, cereals and pseudocereals, along with their quality related mainly to human health and that of the environment is provided. Modern plant breeding, especially that started before the Green Revolution, based mainly on
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A short review concerning the distinction between ancient and modern grains or ancient and modern varieties of wheat, cereals and pseudocereals, along with their quality related mainly to human health and that of the environment is provided. Modern plant breeding, especially that started before the Green Revolution, based mainly on gross selection and very few crosses among local varieties/populations may be considered ancient grains, while those obtained after the Green revolution, based on intensive and multiple crosses among local and foreign varieties, including those obtained by induced mutation, may be considered modern grains. According to recent researches, it seems that ancient grains are healthier than the modern ones. The former would also have a lower environmental and agricultural impact than the latter. Since the picture on this topic is not yet clear I was asked to throw on it more light. In fact, most of researchers in the field do not understand difference among ancient and modern varieties. Thus, the objective of this short paper was to clarify and stimulate more research, possibly with a multidisciplinary approach. In Italy, for instance, there are ad hoc research projects that should be more adequately financed and supported, during their development. To make it easy, I have mentioned and listed more than thirty references.Full article
Review Article
ISSN: 2770-5536
DOI prefix: 10.31586/rjees
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