Volume 1, Number 1, 2021
Environmental Protection Regulations in the Light of Public Law and Social Obligations
Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
DOI: 10.31586/rjees.2021.010101
Environmental regulation is one of the most important subsets of social regulation. Regulation is a framework for implementing the rules adopted in society, and legal standards guarantee this framework. Thus, if the legislation prohibits the dumping of waste on public waterways and imposes a penalty for its violation, this prohibition
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Environmental regulation is one of the most important subsets of social regulation. Regulation is a framework for implementing the rules adopted in society, and legal standards guarantee this framework. Thus, if the legislation prohibits the dumping of waste on public waterways and imposes a penalty for its violation, this prohibition can be interpreted as an expression of society's public commitment to environmental protection and public condemnation of polluting behaviors. On the other hand, it can be said that the destruction of the environment is morally wrong, and therefore the legal prohibition of these behaviors can be interpreted as an expression of this moral claim. This research is based on library studies and descriptive-analytical methods and has an innovative approach. The purpose of this study is to explain the role of law as a facilitator of the executive structure of environmental regulation inappropriate conditions in line with social interaction. It also seeks to explain the importance of regulation and regulation. Regulation is one of the most important social standards and guarantees the strong implementation of legal obligations in society. This fundamental standard has been established in public law and seems to be an important approach to protecting the environment and citizens' adherence to environmental obligations.Full article
Floristic Composition and Litter Deposition in a Degraded Area and in Reforestation with Eucalyptus
Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
DOI: 10.31586/rjees.2021.010104
The present study aimed to verify the floristic composition in two distinct areas: reforestation with Eucalyptus and degraded area subjected to fire. Plots of 0.5 m x 0.5 m were demarcated, distributed in transect in the two analyzed areas, were carried out. The analyzed aspects were the following: plant species
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The present study aimed to verify the floristic composition in two distinct areas: reforestation with Eucalyptus and degraded area subjected to fire. Plots of 0.5 m x 0.5 m were demarcated, distributed in transect in the two analyzed areas, were carried out. The analyzed aspects were the following: plant species variability, fresh mass, dry mass and litter. The results showed that the cultivation with eucalyptus was the one with the highest amount of plant species, reaching the number of 17 species, while in the degraded area 11 different species were found. In terms of fresh and dry mass, there was no observed difference between areas. In relation to litter, the cultivation with eucalyptus had the highest weight. It is concluded that the cultivation with eucalyptus showed the highest number of plant species and amount of litter; as for the fresh and dry mass, there were an equivalence in the results of the two areas.Full article
Air of Uncertainty from Pollution Profiteers: Status of Ambient Air Quality of Sawmill Industry in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State, Nigeria
Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
DOI: 10.31586/rjees.2021.010102
We can’t stop breathing, but we can do something about the quality of air that we breathe. Clean fresh air is indispensable ingredient for a good life quality. Individuals poses the right towards expecting that the breathed air will not harm people. Thus, fighting air pollution will not only improve
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We can’t stop breathing, but we can do something about the quality of air that we breathe. Clean fresh air is indispensable ingredient for a good life quality. Individuals poses the right towards expecting that the breathed air will not harm people. Thus, fighting air pollution will not only improve health outcomes, productivity, and well-being, it’s also essential toward reducing the emissions of greenhouse gas as well as fighting climate change. For examples, a third of the global population is at risk from unhealthy of ambient air pollutants concentrations, with the loss of approximately 6.4 million healthy-life-years attributed specifically to chronic exposure to ambient particulate matter. Expert panels have consistently rated air pollution as a greater health hazard than water pollution. Pollution of air is the leading source of unexplained and undiagnosed diseases, besides have remained associated with a variety of serious human health risks, and in fact, a threshold has not been established under which these pollutants exert no adverse effects. This study evaluates ambient air quality at major sawmill sites in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State, Nigeria. “Measurements of Air pollution were accurately carried out using direct reading, automatic in situ gas monitors; Hand held mobile multi-gas monitor with model AS8900 [Combustible (LEL), and Oxygen (O2)], BLATN with model BR – Smart Series air quality monitor (PM10, Formaldehyde) and air quality multimeter with model B SIDE EET100 (Dust (PM2.5), VOC, Temperature and Relative Humidity)”. The outcomes disclosed among others, the average concentrations of CO, O2 as well as other measured parameters for instance formaldehyde (HcHo) etc., they are also consistently low as well as within acceptable range in terms of National as well as Global monitoring standards for air quality indices. However, there are few exceptions for instance the average volatile organic compounds (VOCs) concentrations, PM2.5, PM10 as well as Combustible (LEL) respectively, which are higher when compared to National and Global standards. This high figure is due to pollutant amount existing in the sawmills air environment resulting from input of influents from activities of the sawmill. However, as a result, air pollution in the city of Ilorin is found to be increasingly polluted and are of major health concern because of their synergistic action. Due to the high evidences and values, it can lead to a remarkable rise in over-all figure of hospital visits/ patients’ admissions with acute respiratory illnesses as soon as air pollutants level remained high. Hence, there is the need for an aggressive control of ambient air pollution.Full article
Prevention and Suppression of Environmental Crimes in the Light of the Actions of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Iranian Legal System
Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
DOI: 10.31586/rjees.2021.097
Today, non-governmental actors play an important role in the national and international arena. The geographical diversity of their field of activity and their different functions have made it impossible for government actors to be indifferent to the role of these new actors. NGOs act as “rival” or “partner” governments. In
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Today, non-governmental actors play an important role in the national and international arena. The geographical diversity of their field of activity and their different functions have made it impossible for government actors to be indifferent to the role of these new actors. NGOs act as “rival” or “partner” governments. In human rights, these organizations are more of a rival to governments; While on health, development, and the environment, they are considered more as partners of governments. In the Iranian legal system, the active role of these organizations in terms of environmental protection is undeniable; But there are still many gaps in the reaction phase; Appropriate conditions must be provided for the active participation of these actors in environmental litigation; In such a way that they can achieve their desired position in criminal proceedings as quasi-prosecutors.Full article
Covid-19 and the Environment: Challenges and Opportunities
Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
DOI: 10.31586/rjees.2021.010103
After the outbreak of the covid-19 disease in the world of human life, living organisms and their environment were affected in various ways. The outbreak of the covid-19 virus has posed many opportunities and challenges to the world environment. This article aims to investigate the effects of the outbreak of
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After the outbreak of the covid-19 disease in the world of human life, living organisms and their environment were affected in various ways. The outbreak of the covid-19 virus has posed many opportunities and challenges to the world environment. This article aims to investigate the effects of the outbreak of covid-19 disease on the environment. This research has studied the effects of the covid-19 virus on the environment through library and review methods. It has been studied and analyzed in the form of articles and related researches. The results of published sources show that quarantine and the requirement of humans to stay at home to break the covid-19 transmission chain caused the animals to feel safe, move out of their natural territory and into urban and rural areas. Reducing noise and air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions by reducing vehicle traffic and shutting down factories are other positive effects of the covid-19 outbreak that has helped improve air quality and reduce global warming. In addition to these positive effects, reducing conservation activities during the Covid-19 era in some areas has increased habitat destruction and poaching. Increasing household and hospital waste production, increasing the consumption of plastics and disposable materials, and decreasing waste recycling are the negative effects of the covid-19 virus epidemic, which, by destroying resources, puts pressure on the environment. Increased consumption of detergents and disinfectants will have many detrimental effects on the environment. In general, the positive effects of the covid-19 virus on the temporary and short-term environment seem to be small compared to the long-term consequences. Therefore, by overcoming covid-19, we should focus on rebuilding society and a healthy economy, and by fully understanding the opportunities and threats of this virus, we should consciously train environmental behaviors.Full article
ISSN: 2770-5536
DOI prefix: 10.31586/rjees
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