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Open Access December 21, 2023 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

An Assessment of Structural Attributes of Black and White Printed Printex Textile Fabrics

Abstract The purpose of this study was to assess the structural attributes of black and white Printed Printex Textile Fabrics in Ghana. The study adopted a factorial experimental research design. The three fabrics with black prints and white as base colours were purchased from the market. These three fabrics had the same designs but two had different fabric finishes and the third one had no finish (plain, [...] Read more.
The purpose of this study was to assess the structural attributes of black and white Printed Printex Textile Fabrics in Ghana. The study adopted a factorial experimental research design. The three fabrics with black prints and white as base colours were purchased from the market. These three fabrics had the same designs but two had different fabric finishes and the third one had no finish (plain, embossed and plisse). Key soap purchased from the Ghanaian market and standard soap from Ghana Standard Authority were used for the study. A purposive sampling procedure was used in choosing the fabrics and soap for the study. Specimens totalling 219 were cut randomly from along the warp and weft directions of the Printex black and white cotton fabric with finishes (plain, embossed and plisse). The use of laboratory experiments and the apparatus used to experiment. The data obtained were presented using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The descriptive statistics (frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviation) were used as summary statistics of variables of the study. The one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test for significant differences among three variables (three washing cycles), whereas the independent samples t-test was used to test for statistically significant differences between the performance of the fabric finishes under Key soap and the standard soap. The study indicated that differences in the attributes of the finishes caused differences in the structural attributes of the fabrics. This was because some of the finishes required certain structural attributes to bond well with the fabrics. The implication is that continuous washing weakens the structural attributes of fabrics which causes them to fail or weakens their resistance to stress tests. The study, however, found that differences in the structural attributes of the fabric finishes caused differences in the effects of washing on the selected fabric finishes. It is recommended that Printex Textile Limited should place critical emphasis on the weight of the fibres used in the construction of the fabrics. This was necessary since the study found that the fabric finish with the greatest weight performed better in tensile strength than those with the lowest weight. As a result, the use of fibres with high weight is expected to improve the use and care of the fabric finishes in terms of their ability to resist stress or tension during washing.
Open Access June 19, 2023 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

An Appraisal of Teachers’ Perception on Repairing of Clothes

Abstract The purpose of the study was to examine teachers’ perception on repairing of clothes in Agona Kwanyako in the central region of Ghana. Quantitative research approach and Descriptive survey design were adopted for this study. The population of this study comprised teachers in the seven public Basic Schools, one Senior High School, two private Basic Schools and one Vocational and Technical School in [...] Read more.
The purpose of the study was to examine teachers’ perception on repairing of clothes in Agona Kwanyako in the central region of Ghana. Quantitative research approach and Descriptive survey design were adopted for this study. The population of this study comprised teachers in the seven public Basic Schools, one Senior High School, two private Basic Schools and one Vocational and Technical School in Agona Kwanyako. Krejcie and Morgan chart was used to sample hundred and fifty-five (155) out of two hundred and sixty (260) teachers in Agona Kwanyako schools. The main instrument for data collection and analysis was questionnaire. All the questionnaires retrieved were prepared by sorting and coding. They were then entered into IBM SPSS Statistics 2017 version 25.0 for data to be analysed. The SPSS software was used to generate mean, standard deviation, frequency and percentages on the data because it is fast, energy saving and gives a consistent and accurate statistical representation of raw data. Findings were then discussed in relation to the research question for the study. Data were presented using tables and charts. The study indicated that the perception one holds about the repair of clothes affects how they view the act and their subsequent adaptation of the exercise. The perception teachers hold about clothes repair was that, clothes protect the environment, create employment and alleviate one from poverty, helps clothes stay trendy and can give one a sense of satisfaction. It can also be concluded that clothes that are normally used such as dresses, shirts and trousers are the types of clothes mostly repaired. Teachers have positive perception about clothes repair. Based on this it is recommended that Home Economics teachers should team up with other teachers to inculcate proper clothes care in their students. Also, clothes should be made in such a way that repairing is easier and possible based on the findings on the types of clothes that are mostly repaired.
Open Access June 26, 2023 Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX

Students’ Understanding and Use of Information on Care Labels on Clothes

Abstract The main purpose of this study is to investigate students’ awareness, understanding and use of the information on care labels. Quantitatively, the study adopted a cross-sectional survey design. The population of the study comprised all the Family and Consumer Science students at the University for Development Studies, Nyankpala campus, Tamale. Morgan and Krejcie chart, was used to select 159 out [...] Read more.
The main purpose of this study is to investigate students’ awareness, understanding and use of the information on care labels. Quantitatively, the study adopted a cross-sectional survey design. The population of the study comprised all the Family and Consumer Science students at the University for Development Studies, Nyankpala campus, Tamale. Morgan and Krejcie chart, was used to select 159 out 270 students. Data collected were analysed using IBM SPSS with descriptive statistics which included mean, standard deviation, frequencies and percentages. Findings of this study proved that students do not always use the information on care labels when purchasing and caring for clothes and cannot identify the symbols on care labels that do not directly link with their meaning. This study has practical implications for students by using the information on care labels when purchasing and caring for clothes. Students should likewise find ways of identifying the symbols even without their meanings. The Social Implication implications of this study also postulates that local clothes manufacturers should be encouraged to create their labelling schemes for care labels that will be peculiar to how Ghanaians care for their clothes as they exist in other countries. Organizations and bodies that formulate the symbols should make sure the shape of the symbols has a direct link with their meaning to aid in their understanding and usage.

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