Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
Article | Open Access | 10.31586/rjees.2022.202

Flora and Phytosociological of Plant in Al-Dawaimah of Palestine

Jehad Mahmoud Hussein Ighbareyeh1,2,*, Asma Abdel-Raheem Ahmed Suliemieh1, Maen Sheqwarah1, Ana Cano-Ortiz2 and Eusebio Cano Carmona2
Department of Plant Production and Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Quds Open University, Hebron Branch, Abu ktellah Street, Hebron, Hebron, Palestine
Department of Animal and Plant Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Experimental Sciences, University of Jaen, Jaen, Spain


Al-Dawaimah is an ancient Canaanite Palestinian village, occupied in 1948 by Israel, and belongs to inframediterranean to thermomediterranean thermotype and arid, semi-arid, and dry ombrotype. The study presents, a region rich in many plant vascular, and it is part of the Palestinian coast, North Africa, the Negev and the Sinai desert, in addition to the mountainous hills of Palestine located west of the Hebron, Jordan River and the Dead Sea. The objective is to identify and update the flora and vegetation in the area of Al-Dawaimah and its neighboring areas in west Hebron of Palestine. Methodology: More than 270 plant specimens have been taken from Al-Dawaimah and surroundings areas, using Braun-Blanquet, Van der Maarel and Salvador River Martinez methods to study the flora, and phytosociological plants, and 214 x 10 plants plots distributed in area were studied. Result and discussion: Three different plant communities were identified, in different environments between arid, dry- subhumid ombrotype and infra-thermomediterranean thermotype, and different soils as (carbon substrates as brown ruinsenas and terra rossa lands, limestone and others), where more than 214 species of plants have been found, of which 45 (20.02%) are endemic species, and in Raunkiaer's life system, trees represent were, (86; 40.18% trees), (34; 15.88% shrubs), (51; 23.83% chamaephytes), (10; 4.67% geophytes), (16; 7.47% phanerophytes), and (12; 6.54% hemicryptophytes). Conclusion: In Al-Dawaimah area, syntaxonomical performance of these associations are: Quercetalia ilicis Br.-Bl. ex Molinier 1934. Rhamno lycioidis-Quercion cocciferae Rivas Goday ex Rivas-Martinez 1975. 1. Rhamnus palaestinae- Quercetum calliprini ass. nova., Pistacio lentisci -Rhamnetalia alaterni Rivas-Martínez 1975. 2. Ceratonio siliquae -Pistacetum lentisci ass. nova., Junipero phoeniceae- Pinon acutisquamae A.V. Pérez et Cabezudo in A.V. Pérez et al. 1988 corr. Rivas-Martinez. et al. 2002. Pinetalia halepensis Biondi et al. 2014. 3. Junipero phoeniceae- Pinetum halepensis ass. nova.


PCA- Main component analysis, ASL - Association, ASL1- Association one, ASL2- Association two, ass. nova- Association nova, E- Endemic, N- Native , Sh- Shrub, Cham- Chamaephytes, Geo- geophytes, Phan- phanerophytes, Herb- herbaceous, Hem- Hemicryptophytes. GI- Group one, GII- Group two, GIII- Group three.

1. Introduction

Palestine is a territory of Mediterranean Basin, located in western of Asia with a peculiar ecology, and different ecosystems (Ighbareyeh et al., 2014, 2015), that shows a unique biodiversity and mild climate in winter and hot dry summer (Ighbareyeh et al., 2014c, 2015a), and is in transition from the Mediterranean forests in the northern part and some areas and various mountain heights, through the bathas and grassy plants in most parts, to various shrubs in the plains in all middle, the southern and northern highlands, and desert areas that support the contracted vegetation in the south as in the desert Negev, to develop the tropical savannah vegetation in its various warm areas, where more than 2.867, 2946 and 2.890 species, 150 of which are endemic or very rare species (Ighbareyeh et al., 2014, 2015, 2017a). The distribution Palestinian flora includes many updated data on the nomenclature, distribution and habitat (Zohary, 1966, 1972; Dothan, 1978, 1986; Danin and Feinbrun-Dothan, 1991; Danin & Orshan, 1999 and Danin, 2000).

Palestine flora reports 149 endemic species (6% of the total plants), 43% of which are common, 27.5% are rare and 25.6% are very rare (Zohary, 1972), in a recent study, about 155 endemic species were found (Ighbareyeh et al., 2014). In addition, more than 2,750 plant species were estimated, including 138 families (Danin, 1991, 1999; Ighbareyeh et al., 2014). Many researchers have studied bioclimate, flora, plant communities, vegetation, and ecology in Palestine for the last seventh years (Ighbareyeh et al., 2016, 2017a,b,c, 2018a,b,c,e,d; Jehad et al., 2019; Jehad et al., 2021; Ighbareyeh J.M.H., 2021; Ighbareyeh et al., 2021; Ighbareyeh et al., 2022), and several botanical studies have been conducted in some countries near Palestine as Turkey by Bekat (1987), Ocakverdi & Çetik (1987), Ocakverdi & Ünal (1991), Tatli et al. (1994), Serin & Eyce (1994), Küçüködük & Ketenoğlu (1996), Mutlu & Erik (2003), Kargıoğlu (2007), Özhatay et al. (2009), Tsiourlis et al. (2009), Tel et al. (2010), Özhatay et al. (2011), Aytaç & Türkmen (2011), Korkmaz et al. (2011), Altınözlü (2012). This study focused in most of the territories occupied in 1967 by Israel, such as Hebron, Jenin, Nablus, Ramallah, Tulkarem, Bethlehem, Jericho and others (Ighbareyeh et al., 2014a, b, c).

The aim of this research is to identify and updated the flora and vegetation in the area of Al-Dawaimah and its neighboring areas in west Hebron of Palestine.

2. Methodology

2.1. study area

Al-Dawaimah (Dawaimah) is a displaced Palestinian Canaanite village, 24 kilometers away from Hebron city, its rises about 350 meters above sea level, with a coordinates (31°32′10″N 34°54′43″E), surrounded by the lands of the villages of Idna, Dura, Al-Qubaiba, Beit Jibrin and Arab al-Jebarat (Figure 1). The Canaanites called it the "spit", "high"; the reason for the name of the village Al-Dawaimah attributed to the rainy Arabs who came from Najd in the Hijaz in an area called Dumat al-Jandal and stayed or its settled (Government of Palestine, 2018). In the fact, it is worth noting that Al-Dawaimah fell under the Israeli occupation on 29 October 1948, and the Amatsya colony, founded in 1955, was built on the ruins of Al-Dawaimah, and atrocities were massacred against the Palestinian population (George Post, 1948; Anis Sayegh, 1968; Mustafa Al-Dabbagh, 1974; Walid Al-Khaldi, 1997). Moreover, Al-Dawaimah climate tends to be somewhat desert, because it is affected by the Negev desert, where the temperature in summer reaches 35 degrees Celsius and moderate in winter, the average amount of rain is between 300-450 mm annually, and therefore the climate of Al-Dawaimah is generally considered temperate.

270 samples of woody plant communities were chosen as statistically significant, inventories or groups were made by methodology of Braun-Blanquet (1952, 1964, 1979), Braun-Blanquet & Bolos (1958) and Van der Maarel (1979), and flora of Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Sinai were used in the study. Although there are botanical studies in the area, especially Idna, Beit Jibrin and Wadi al-Quff (Ighbareyeh et al., 2014, 2017a and 2019), a statistical treatment was carried out in the 270 wooden plant inventories. Cluster analysis (Ward’s method cluster) was applied, and the main component analysis (PCA), were used to founded different groups of plant communities, which have used the XLASTAT program, in addition, vegetation has been interpreted according to several methodological works in the world such as Rivas-Martínez (2004, 2005), Biondi (2011) and Pott (2011). Furthermore, to realize the groups and its statistical processing, we formed a matrix of 207 x 10 columns relevant for converting Braun-Blanquet plants, biological and phytosociological indexes (+=2, 1=3, 2=4, 3=5, 4=6, 5=7) to convert these ones of Van der Maarel (1979), (5: covering more than 3/4 of the area, 4: any number of individuals covering 1/2 - 3/4 of the area, 3: any number of individuals covering 1/4 -1/2 of the area, 2: very numerous or covering at least 5% of the area, 1: plentiful but of small cover value, and + is a cover very small), and we used Euclidean Spaces (Solomentsev, 2001) and principal component analysis of ingredients to avoid any shortage of plant data and to analyze it accurately. Due to the lack of large amount of meteorological data, we selected a sampling area in the western Hebron area, where inventories of 270 woody plants were taken at the Al-Dawaimah site (which has been under occupation since 1948). Forests and shrub steppe and a little of herbaceous plants were observed or sampled to obtain the thermicities, and ombrotype indicators.

2.2. Targeting and collection of the plants data

We have taken 270 specimens of many different plants from the village of Al-Dawaimah and some of the nearby areas between October 2020 to October 2021, data were used to create an Excel table with 214 rows (plants) and 10 columns (relèves), and from this table, we created the Ward’s method cluster to measure distance, and similarity, by the procedure known as full correlation method. We subsequently applied principal component analysis (PCA) having previously generated two matrices of correlation and covariance values, and the names of some of the places where samples were collected are: (Montar al-Jawaza, Khallet al-Jawza, Wadi al-Qashab, Khirbat Dehna, Khallet al-Masri, Khallet al-Katil, Marah Abu Ja'ed, Marah Abu Naaj, Shieb Rabah, Shekaf, Ashbour, Wadi al-Naqiya, Al-bus, Tayyib Tasam, Wadi al-Baydah, Marah Bishr, Adra, the Bedouin Shieb, Wadi al-Arab, Tawazat, Ganan al-Taseh, Al-kashklia, Khallet Musa, Al-gontara, Amm al-Jamajim, Wadi ashomer, Rasim Zureik, Khallet Tatar, Jorin Salama, Abu Al-amad (Khirbet Umm al-Ghanayem), Khallet al-najajreh, Wadi & Khallet Al-Khresa, Khallet Jobran, Khallet Abu Jaber, Ain-Ismael Ayesh, Yarde and Ghatasha (Table 1) and (Figure 2, and Figure 3).

3. Result and Disscusion

3.1. Analysis of vegetation

Furthermore, the flora in Palestine can be divided into several distinct groups as (Mediterranean basin as Maquis, Oak and Woodlands; Irani-Turanian, also on the Asian plains of the Syrian desert, Anatolia and the Gobi Desert; Saharo-Arabian as sand, Sinai and Arabian deserts; Sudano- Zambezi, as sub-tropical savannah species in Africa; Euro -Siberia; various plants that grow in more than one area of Palestine and neighboring countries; and plant species coming from the Americas, South Africa and Australia) (Danin, 2004; Ighbareyeh et al., 2014c, 2018a).

In statistical processing, we obtained two large groups (A and B) in cluster (Figure 4); group A consist of two association or communities (ASL1 and ASL2 ); the association 1 (ASL1) which is included forests, oak, woodlands, shrub-lands and steppe copes affected by climatophilous, and association 2 (ASL2), presenting different pants of forests as Quercus spp., Maquis, woodlands, scrubland and shrub affected by climatophilous, whilst, group B consists of one association named (ASL3) is included the forests of Pinus halepensis Miller, Juniperus phoenicea L. and Cupressus sempervirens L. species (Torres et al, 1999; Biondi et al., 2014; Rachid Meddour et al., 2017; Pesaresi et al., 2017).

3.1.1. The associations of Ceratonio siliquae-Pistacetum lentisci ass. nova

Community or association one, mixed Maquis and open forests of Pistacia lentiscus L. and Ceratonia siliqua L. represented in cluster (ASL1-1, 2, 6, 7, 8). Pistacia species (Pistacia palaestina Boiss., Pistacia khinjuk Stocks, Pistacia saportae Burnat., Pistacia atlantica Desf., Pistacia terebinthus L., Pistacia vera L., Pistacia khinjuk Stocks) Schinus molle L., Rhus coriaria L., in addition to dominated by the sclerophyllous evergreen of Quercus genus (Q. calliprinos Webb. (Quercus palaestina k. or Quercus coccifera L.)., Quercus look Kotschy, Quercus libani G. Olivier, Quercus inthaburensis Decne., Quercus rotundifolia Lam., Quercus infectoria Olivier, Quercus boissieri Reut., Quercus cerris L.), and Rhamnus spp. as Rhamnus lycioides L., Acer obtusifolium Sm., Acer syriscum Boiss., Acer monspessulanum L., Polygonum palaestinum Zohary, with overlapping elements or common plant species such as Cersis siliquastrum L., Poinciana gillesii Hook., Acacia salicina Lindl., Acacia cyanophylla Lindl., Sophora japonica L., Calicotome villosa (Poir.) Link, Retama raetam (Forssk.) Webb. & Berthel., Genista monspessulana (L.) O. Bolós & Vigo, Acacia dealbata Link, Retama rhodorhizoides (Webb & Berthel.), Acacia radiana Savi., Ficus retusa L., Ficus sycomorus L., with others species found in extreme conditions as dry, although it can cope in sub-humid and thermophilous region in the thermo-Mediterranean thermotype and rocky ambience, loam, sand, hard limestone with rendzinas and terra rossa soil. We suggest that the group represents a group of Mediterranean region plants with different heights of the land (Mediterranean woodland, shrub-land, scrublands and landscapes), which are found in most parts or regions of the Mediterranean region and its associated is Ceratonio siliquae-Pistacetum lentisci (Table 2: ASL1-1, 2, 6, 7, 8).

3.1.2. The association of Rhamnus palaestinae- Quercetum calliprini ass. nova

The second community represented (ASL2- 5, 9, 10) in the cluster and consists of forests or Maquis and oak plants as Quercus calliprinos Webb. (Quercus palaestina Kotschy or Quercus coccifera L.), Quercus look Kotschy, Quercus libani G. Olivier, Quercus inthaburensis Decne., Quercus infectoria Olivier, Quercus boissieri Reut., Quercus cerris L. and the deciduous as Pistacia palaestina L. on limestone with terra rossa soil are still common in the north of Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria countries, and mesophytic companions by Rhamnus subsp. As Rhamnus lycioides L. or Rhamnus palaestinus Boiss., Rhamnus punctata Boiss., Rhamnus alaternus L., Zizyphus Spina-christi L. Desf., Zizyphus Lotus (L.) Lam., Paliurus spina-christi Miller. Ziziphus jujuba Miller, Acer obtusifolium Sm. or Acer syriscum Boiss., Arbutus andrachne L., Laurus nobilis L., Crataegus azarolus L., & many herbaceous and geophytes species. Otherwise, community represent (temperate forests, Maquis, steppe, grasslands, savannahs, and shrublands) (Akman et al., 1984, 1985; Quézel et al. 1992), and the climate temperate and ranges from semi-arid to semi-humid (dry and extremes temperate plants of West Asia, and Eurasian steppes), which are found in the Mediterranean region, this assures us that the plant association is Rhamnus palaestinae-Quercetum calliprini (Table 3. ASL2- 5, 9, 10).

3.1.3. The association of Junipero phoeniceae-Pinetum halepensis ass. nova

The last community has been represented group B (ASL3), which is covered of the inventories (3, 4) in cluster, and contained Pine forest as Pinus halepensis Miller, Pinus brutia Tenore, Pinus Pinea L., Pinus canariensis C. Smith, Pinus nigra J. F. Arnold, Juniperus species as Juniperus phoenicea L. and Cupressus species. Events, forests growing in thermomediterranean, and dry to sub-humid environments in (Tiera Rosa, rocky or sandy ground soil) with neutral pH, which is dominated by the presence of Juniperus phoenicea L., Juniperus oxycedrus L., Juniperus excelsa M. Bieb., Juniperus drupacea Labill., Crataegus azarolus L., Cupressus sempervirens L., Cupressus sempervirens L. var. horizontalis Miller, Cupressus arizonica Greene, Thuja occidentalis L., and Arbutus andrachne L., this in turn reinforces our, that this group represents the Asian plant group and the eastern Mediterranean region, the association Junipero phoeniceae-Pinetum halepensis (Table 4: ASL3_3, 4).

3.3.4. Community Plant Analysis

In our analysis, the focus of our study was on plants, shrubs, steppe and very a few of herbaceous plants, among other things, according to Raunkiaer's life system, trees were the most representative layer of the spectrum of floristic, as, (86; 40.18% trees), (34; 15.88% shrubs), (51; 23.83% chamaephytes), (10; 4.67% geophytes), (16; 7.47% phanerophytes), (12; 6.54% hemicryptophytes) and (3; 1.40% perennial, helophyte and annual). After the principal component analysis, it was found that there is a separation between two groups of plants (group A and group B); (Group A: community 1 and 2) as shown in the cluster (Figure 4 and Figure 5). As a rule, the first community was included inventories (1, 2, 6, 7, 8) of the cluster and principal component analysis taken in the Al-Dawaimah and neighbouring the mountains in dry, and adapted in sub-humid ombrotype and the thermo-Mediterranean thermotype, with a various soils as rocky, loam, hard limestone, rendzinas and terra rossa. else, inventories one was mixed or existed species with most group plants as Quercus and Pistacia species. This community includes the following endemic species: Acer obtusifolium Sm., Quercus look Kotschy, accompanied by Quercus species as (Quercus calliprinos Webb. or Quercus coccifera L. or Quercus palaestina Kotschy), Quercus look Kotschy, Quercus libani G. Olivier and Rhamnus species as Rhamnus lycioides L., and distributions of life forms association are: (86; 40.18% trees), (34; 15.88% shrubs), (51; 23.83% chamaephytes), (10; 4.67% geophytes), (16; 7.47% phanerophytes), (12; 6.54% hemicryptophytes) and (3; 1.40% perennial, helophyte and annual)., with a slope of (10-25%) & a plant coverage of 75%, elevation between (300-370) m on the Sea level, and vegetation height of (3-7m) (Table 2). Furthermore, second community was contained inventories (5, 9, 10) of the cluster and principal component analysis, and sampled from (Wadi al-Arabe & Tawazat, Khallet al-Najajreh, Wadi & Khallet Al-Khresa, Khallet Jobran, Khallet Abu Jaber, Ain-Ismael Ayesh, Yarde, Ghatashaand Wadi Al-ragate) in arid, dry, and adapted in sub-humid ombrotype and the infra-Mediterranean to thermo-Mediterranean thermotype, with a hard limestone, rendzinas and terra rossa and neutral pH, and inventor 5 was mixed species in most group plants as Quercus and Pistacia and others species. Nevertheless, this community includes the following endemic species:, Rhamnus palaestinus Boiss., Acer obtusifolium Sm., Quercus look Kotschy and Pistacio palestineae Boiss, while the distribution of life forms association are: (66; 44.89% trees), (22; 13.60% shrubs), (28; 19.04% chamaephytes) (7; 4.76% chamaephytes shrubs), (4; 2.72% phanerophytes), (7; 4.76% phanerophytes shrubs), (10; 6.80% hemicryptophytes), (5; 3.40% geophytes ), with a slope of (10-30%) and a plant coverage rate of (70%), elevation between (300-320 m), and vegetation height of (3-8m) (Table 3).

The last community represents (Inventories 3 and 4) as shown in the cluster, this its includes plant varieties studied in the Al-Dawaimah region and the nearby and surrounding mountains as (Marah Bishr, Adra, the Bedouin Shieb, Ganan Al-Taseh & Al-kashklia, Wadi al-Qashab & Dawaimah centre, Wadi Al-Arab & Tawazat), the plants of this group represent the different types of coniferous forest plants that adapt in many regions of the Mediterranean basin, they are located within a dry, hot summer and temperate winter region, although these plants are located in humid and subhumid areas of ombrotype and thermosmediterranean environmental on Tiera Rosa, rocky or sandy ground soil), and accompanied species by Juniperus species as Juniperus oxycedrus L., Juniperus excelsa M., and Arbutus andrachne L. This community includes the following endemic species: Cupressus sempervirens L., Pinus halepensis Miller, Rhus coriaria L., Pistacia palaestina Boiss. and others, and distribution of life forms association are: (64; 50% trees, (13; 7.84% shrubs, (26; 20.31% chamaephytes, (7; 5.46% chamaephytes shrubs), (4; 3.12%) geophytes, (3; 2.34% phanerophytes), (7; 4.76% phanerophytes shrubs), (6; 4.68% hemicryptophytes), with a slope of (5-20%) and a plant cover average of (70%), elevation between (310-390 m), and vegetation height of (9-11m) (Table 4).

Moreover, in this study, more than 800 species of plants were recorded, distributed among forest trees, Maquis, shrub steppe, scrubland and some of herbaceous to study flora, or know the vegetation cover that includes this region, knowing that they are forest areas that contain many different plants that have adapted in this region during the period after 1948. Consequently, it is an area of dense vegetation with different plants, where more than 45 endemic species have been spotted, therefore it is an important vital region for its unique biological diversity, given that it is considered an intermediate region between the Palestinian coast from the west, Hebron Mountains, dead Sea and the Jordan River from the east, the mountains of Syria and Lebanon from the north, the Sinai desert, the Negev, and the Red Sea in the south.

Moreover, the high proportion of Ceratonia siliqua L., Pistacia palaestina Boiss., Pistacia lentiscus L., and Rhamnus lycioides (Rhamnus palaestina Boiss.), Rhamnus alaternus L., allows us to include the communities in dry-xeric shrublands form the terrestrial biome, that covering 19% of earth's land surface area in the world in the order Pistachio lentisci -Rhamnetalia alaterni (Rivas-Martínez, S., 1975), and in the alliance, Oleo sylvestris-Ceratonion siliquae Br.-Bl. ex Guinochet & Drouineau 1944, whist we include the forests growing in dry to sub-humid environments as Quercus spp. in the order Rhamno lycioidis-Quercion cocciferae Rivas Goday ex Rivas-Martinez 1975 (Rivas-Martínez, S., 1975), and class Quercetalia ilicis Br.-Bl. ex Molinier (Rivas-Martínez, S. et al., 2002; Molinier, R., 1934, 1968). Nevertheless, in the community, we obtained high frequency of Pinus spp. as Pinus halepensis Miller, & Juniperus oxycedrus L., Juniperus excelsa M. Bieb., Juniperus drupacea Labill., Cupressus sempervirens L., Cupressus arizonica Greene, Arbutus andrachne L. species in dry, subhumid and humid region in order Pinetalia halepensis Biondi et al. (2014) and class Junipero phoeniceae-Pinon acutisquamae A.V. Pérez et Cabezudo in A.V. Pérez et al. 1988 corr. Rivas-Mart. et al. 2002 nom. invers. Propos (Rivas-Mart. et al. 2002).

Syntaxonomical performance of these associations is shown:

Quercetalia ilicis Br.-Bl. ex Molinier (Rivas-Martínez S. et al. 2002; Molinier, R. 1934, 1968).

Rhamno lycioidis-Quercion cocciferae Rivas Goday ex Rivas-Martinez 1975

  1. Rhamnus palaestinae- Quercetum calliprini ass. nova.

Pistachio lentisci -Rhamnetalia alaterni Rivas-Martínez 1975

  1. Ceratonio siliquae -Pistacetum lentisci ass. nova.

Juniperon phoeniceae-Pinon acutisquamae A.V. Pérez et Cabezudo in A.V. Pérez et al. 1988 corr. Rivas-Mart. et al. 2002.

Pinetalia halepensis Biondi et al. 2014

  1. Junipero phoeniceae- Pino halepensis ass. nova.

And eight new botanical societies have been described by Ighbareyeh (Ighbareyeh et al., 2014, 2014c):

Pistacio palaestinae-Quercetum lokii*

Capparido sinaicae-Ceratonietum siliquae

Cerasus microcarpae-Quercetum ithaburensis*

Pyro siriacae-Abietetum cilicicae*

Abio ciliciae-Ceratonietum siliquae

Periploco aphylli-Pinetum halepensis

Cytisopsis pseudocytiso-Tamaricetum tetragynae

Crataego sinaicae-Tamaricetum jordanii.

In another study carried out by Ighbareyeh in 2018 (Ighbareyeh et al., 2018a), three new plant groups were described:

Pino halepensis -Quercetum lookii*

Pistacio palestinae -Ceratonietum siliquae*

Quercus libanii -Tamaricetum palestineae*

* Represents the plant communities that grow and adapt in the areas where olives are grown.

Also, three associations idenetified in 2020 by Jehad M. H. Ighbareyeh, Asma, A. A. Suliemieh, A. Cano-Ortiz & E.Cano:

Pistacio lentisci-Quercetum lokii Ighbareyeb

Ceratonio siliquae-Quercetum callipinii

Pino halepensis-Curessetum sempervirentis

with three alliance as Pistacio-Quercion lokii, Ceratonia siliquae -Quercion calliprinae and Pino halepensis-Cupression sempervirenti.

4. Conclusion

Al-Dawaimah has been located in an infra-thermomediterranean thermotype, and dry of ombrotype. Al-Dawaimah area represents a unique model of plants, forests (Forests, Maquis, oak, steppe, shrublands, scrubland and many herbaceous species), a dense vegetation and biodiversity, which have 800 species, of which 45 are endemic species. Flora analysis detect that 20.02% of species are endemic, of 214 species of plants as forests, Maquis, steppes and high shrub lands which has been studies in the study area. In the other side, the 10 analysed grids clearly divided into three different groups, each of them, represent natural vegetation scope, and three new plant groups were specified are:

Ceratonion siliquae -Pistacetum lentisci*ass. nova

Rhamnus palaestinae- Quercetum calliprini* ass. nova

Junipero phoeniceae-Pinetum halepensis ass. nova.

*Represents the plant communities that grow and adapt in the areas where olives are grown.


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  14. Braun-Blanquet, J. 1979. Fitosociología. Bases para el estudio de las comunidades vegetales. Blume, Espana 820 p.
  15. Braun-Blanquet, J. and O. Bolos. 1958. Les groupements végétaux du bassin moyen de l’Ebre et leur dynamisme. Anales Aula Dei, 5, 1-266.
  16. Danin, A. 2000. The Nomenclature News of flora Palaestina. Flora Mediterranean 10, 109-127.
  17. Danin, A. 2004. Distribution Altas of plants in flora Palaestina area. 2nd Edn., Academy of science and Humanities, Jerusalem ISBN: 9652081671, PP: 520.
  18. Danin, A. and G. Orshan. 1999. Vegetation of Israel: I. Desert and Coastal Vegetation. Buckhuys, Leiden 341.
  19. Danin, A. and N. Feinbrun-Dothan. 1991. Analytical Flora of Eretz-Israel. CANA Publishing House Ltd., Jerusalem.
  20. Dothan, F.N. 1978. Flora Palaestina, Part Three, Text Ericaceae to Compositae. Israel Academy of Science and Humanities, Jerusalem 481.
  21. Dothan, F.N. 1986. Flora Palaestina, Part Four Plates, Text Alismtaceae to Orchidaceae. Academy of Science and Humanities, Jerusalem 525.
  22. George, Post. 1948. The Bible Dictionary, Beirut 1948 (in Arabic).
  23. Government of Palestine, Department of Statistics. Village Statistics, April, 1945. Quoted in Hadawi, 1970, p. 50. Copy saved on September 10, 2018 on the Wayback Machine website.
  24. Ighbareyeh, J., A. Cano-Ortiz, E. Carmona, A. Suliemieh and M. Ighbareyeh. 2017a. Flora Endemic Rare and Bioclimate of Palestine. Open Access Library Journal, 4, 1-14. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1103977.[CrossRef]
  25. Ighbareyeh, J.M. H. (2021). Effect of Environmental Factors on Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) Yield in the City of Jerusalem Occupied, Palestine. Asian Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry 7 (4), 12-24.[CrossRef]
  26. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H. 2019. Bioclimate of Jericho in Palestine. Palestine Technical University Research Journal 2019, 7(1), 1-7 ([CrossRef]
  27. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H. and E.C. Carmona. 2018b. Impact of Environment Conditions on Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.): To Optimal Production and Sustainability, Achieving Food Security and Increasing the Palestinian Economy. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 6, 62-73.[CrossRef]
  28. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H. et al. 2018e. Impact of bioclimatic and climatic factors on Ficus carica L. yield: increasing the economy and maintaining the food security of Jerusalem in Palestine, Transylvanian Review: Vol XXVI, No. 34, P. 8719, November 2018.
  29. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H., A. Cano-Ortiz, A.A.A. Suliemieh, M.M.H. Ighbareyeh, E. Cano and S. Hijjeh. 2017c. Effect of Bioclimate Factors on Olive (Olea europaea L.) Yield: To Increase the Economy and Maintaining Food Security in Palestine. International Journal of Development Research, 6, 10648-10652.
  30. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H., A. Cano-Ortiz and E. Cano. 2014. Biological resources management in Palestine, Department of Animal and Plant Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Experimental Sciences, University of Jaen, Jaen, Spain, P 100-105, doctorate thesis.
  31. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H., A. Cano-Ortiz and E. Cano. 2014a. Biological and Bioclimatic Basis to Optimize Plant Production: Increased Economic Areas of Palestine. Agricultural Science Research Journal, 4, 10-20.
  32. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H., A. Cano-Ortiz and E. Cano. 2014b. Case Study: Analysis of the Physical Factors of Palestinian Bioclimate. American Journal of Climate Change, 3, 223-231.[CrossRef]
  33. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H., A. Cano-Ortiz, A., E. Cano, M.M.H. Ighbareyeh, A.A.A. Suliemieh and Sh. Hijjeh. 2017b. Impact of Bioclimate and climate factors on plant yield in the area of Jenin at the north of Palestine. International Journal of Current Research, 9, 44529-44535.
  34. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H., A. Cano-Ortiz, A.A.A. Suliemieh, M.M.H. Ighbareyeh and E. Cano. 2015a. Assessing Crop Yield Sustainability under the Climatic and Bioclimatic Change in the Area of Palestine. American Journal of Climate Change, 4, 48-56.[CrossRef]
  35. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H., A. Cano-Ortiz, A.A.A. Suliemieh, M.M.H. Ighbareyeh and E. Cano. 2018c. Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) Yield and Climate Conditions of Palestine. Current Science, [S.l.], v. 114, n. Issue 8, mar. 2018. ISSN 0011-3891.
  36. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H., A. Cano-Ortiz, A.A.A. Suliemieh, M.M.H. Ighbareyeh and E. Cano. 2014c. Phytosociology with Other Characteristic Biologically and Ecologically of Plant in Palestine. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 5, 3104-3118.[CrossRef]
  37. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H., A. Cano-Ortiz, A.A.A. Suliemieh, M.M.H. Ighbareyeh, E . Cano. 2016. Modeling of biology and bioclimatology applied studies on plant in Palestine. International Journal of Development Research, 6, 9585-9590.
  38. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H., and E.C. Carmona. 2018a. A Phytosociological of Plant Communities and Biodiversity in the East-South of Idna Village- Hebron of Palestine. International Journal of Geosciences, 9, 44-58.[CrossRef]
  39. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H., Cano-Ortiz, A. & Cano, E. (2021). Endemic plant species in the west of Hebron, Palestine. European Journal of Applied Sciences. 9 (3). 368-385.[CrossRef]
  40. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H.; Cano-Ortiz, A.; Cano, E. Phytosociology and Vegetation of Plants of Beit Jibrin in Palestine. Land 2022, 11, 264.[CrossRef]
  41. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H., E. Cano, A. Cano-Ortiz et al. 2018d. Analysis of physical factors of climate and bioclimate and their effects on almonds production to increase the economy in Hebron area of Palestine Arab J Geosci., 11: 683. Springer.[CrossRef]
  42. Jehad, M.H. Ighbareyeh, Suliemieh, A,A.A.; Ighbareyeh, M.M.H., Cano, E., Cano-Ortiz, A. (2019). Olive (Olea europaea L.) of Jerusalem in Palestine. Trends Tech Sci Res. 2019, 3(3): 555617. DOI: 10.19080/TTSR.2019.03.555617.
  43. Jehad, M.H. Ighbareyeh., A. Cano-Ortiz, A.A.A. Suliemieh, M. M. H. Ighbareyeh, E.C. Carmona. 2015. Assessment of Biology and Bioclimatology of Plant to Increase Economic in Palestine. International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences, 3(3):1-8.
  44. Jehad, M.H. Ighbareyeh; Suliemieh, A. AA.; Abu-Ayash, A.M.; Sheqwara, M.N.; Cano- Ortiz, A.; Cano, E. (2021). Biodiversity and Phytosociological Analysis of Plants in Wadi Al-Quf Nursery Reserve North - Western of Hebron City in Palestine. Journal of Plant Sciences. Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 13-24. doi:10.11648/j.jps.20210901.13.[CrossRef]
  45. Kargıoğlu, M. 2007. A phytosociological research on the vegetation of Ahırdağı (Afyonkarahisar). Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 10: 3272–3283.[CrossRef] [PubMed]
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Ighbareyeh, J. M. H., Suliemieh, A. A.-R. A., Sheqwarah, M., Cano-Ortiz, A., & Carmona, E. C. (2022). Flora and Phytosociological of Plant in Al-Dawaimah of Palestine. Research Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 2(1), 58–91. Retrieved from
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  24. Ighbareyeh, J., A. Cano-Ortiz, E. Carmona, A. Suliemieh and M. Ighbareyeh. 2017a. Flora Endemic Rare and Bioclimate of Palestine. Open Access Library Journal, 4, 1-14. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1103977.[CrossRef]
  25. Ighbareyeh, J.M. H. (2021). Effect of Environmental Factors on Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) Yield in the City of Jerusalem Occupied, Palestine. Asian Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry 7 (4), 12-24.[CrossRef]
  26. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H. 2019. Bioclimate of Jericho in Palestine. Palestine Technical University Research Journal 2019, 7(1), 1-7 ([CrossRef]
  27. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H. and E.C. Carmona. 2018b. Impact of Environment Conditions on Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.): To Optimal Production and Sustainability, Achieving Food Security and Increasing the Palestinian Economy. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 6, 62-73.[CrossRef]
  28. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H. et al. 2018e. Impact of bioclimatic and climatic factors on Ficus carica L. yield: increasing the economy and maintaining the food security of Jerusalem in Palestine, Transylvanian Review: Vol XXVI, No. 34, P. 8719, November 2018.
  29. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H., A. Cano-Ortiz, A.A.A. Suliemieh, M.M.H. Ighbareyeh, E. Cano and S. Hijjeh. 2017c. Effect of Bioclimate Factors on Olive (Olea europaea L.) Yield: To Increase the Economy and Maintaining Food Security in Palestine. International Journal of Development Research, 6, 10648-10652.
  30. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H., A. Cano-Ortiz and E. Cano. 2014. Biological resources management in Palestine, Department of Animal and Plant Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Experimental Sciences, University of Jaen, Jaen, Spain, P 100-105, doctorate thesis.
  31. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H., A. Cano-Ortiz and E. Cano. 2014a. Biological and Bioclimatic Basis to Optimize Plant Production: Increased Economic Areas of Palestine. Agricultural Science Research Journal, 4, 10-20.
  32. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H., A. Cano-Ortiz and E. Cano. 2014b. Case Study: Analysis of the Physical Factors of Palestinian Bioclimate. American Journal of Climate Change, 3, 223-231.[CrossRef]
  33. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H., A. Cano-Ortiz, A., E. Cano, M.M.H. Ighbareyeh, A.A.A. Suliemieh and Sh. Hijjeh. 2017b. Impact of Bioclimate and climate factors on plant yield in the area of Jenin at the north of Palestine. International Journal of Current Research, 9, 44529-44535.
  34. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H., A. Cano-Ortiz, A.A.A. Suliemieh, M.M.H. Ighbareyeh and E. Cano. 2015a. Assessing Crop Yield Sustainability under the Climatic and Bioclimatic Change in the Area of Palestine. American Journal of Climate Change, 4, 48-56.[CrossRef]
  35. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H., A. Cano-Ortiz, A.A.A. Suliemieh, M.M.H. Ighbareyeh and E. Cano. 2018c. Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) Yield and Climate Conditions of Palestine. Current Science, [S.l.], v. 114, n. Issue 8, mar. 2018. ISSN 0011-3891.
  36. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H., A. Cano-Ortiz, A.A.A. Suliemieh, M.M.H. Ighbareyeh and E. Cano. 2014c. Phytosociology with Other Characteristic Biologically and Ecologically of Plant in Palestine. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 5, 3104-3118.[CrossRef]
  37. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H., A. Cano-Ortiz, A.A.A. Suliemieh, M.M.H. Ighbareyeh, E . Cano. 2016. Modeling of biology and bioclimatology applied studies on plant in Palestine. International Journal of Development Research, 6, 9585-9590.
  38. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H., and E.C. Carmona. 2018a. A Phytosociological of Plant Communities and Biodiversity in the East-South of Idna Village- Hebron of Palestine. International Journal of Geosciences, 9, 44-58.[CrossRef]
  39. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H., Cano-Ortiz, A. & Cano, E. (2021). Endemic plant species in the west of Hebron, Palestine. European Journal of Applied Sciences. 9 (3). 368-385.[CrossRef]
  40. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H.; Cano-Ortiz, A.; Cano, E. Phytosociology and Vegetation of Plants of Beit Jibrin in Palestine. Land 2022, 11, 264.[CrossRef]
  41. Ighbareyeh, J.M.H., E. Cano, A. Cano-Ortiz et al. 2018d. Analysis of physical factors of climate and bioclimate and their effects on almonds production to increase the economy in Hebron area of Palestine Arab J Geosci., 11: 683. Springer.[CrossRef]
  42. Jehad, M.H. Ighbareyeh, Suliemieh, A,A.A.; Ighbareyeh, M.M.H., Cano, E., Cano-Ortiz, A. (2019). Olive (Olea europaea L.) of Jerusalem in Palestine. Trends Tech Sci Res. 2019, 3(3): 555617. DOI: 10.19080/TTSR.2019.03.555617.
  43. Jehad, M.H. Ighbareyeh., A. Cano-Ortiz, A.A.A. Suliemieh, M. M. H. Ighbareyeh, E.C. Carmona. 2015. Assessment of Biology and Bioclimatology of Plant to Increase Economic in Palestine. International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences, 3(3):1-8.
  44. Jehad, M.H. Ighbareyeh; Suliemieh, A. AA.; Abu-Ayash, A.M.; Sheqwara, M.N.; Cano- Ortiz, A.; Cano, E. (2021). Biodiversity and Phytosociological Analysis of Plants in Wadi Al-Quf Nursery Reserve North - Western of Hebron City in Palestine. Journal of Plant Sciences. Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 13-24. doi:10.11648/j.jps.20210901.13.[CrossRef]
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  46. Korkmaz H, A. Engin, H.G. Kutbay & E. Yalçın. 2011. A syntaxonomical study on the scrub, forest, and steppe vegetation of the Kızılırmak valley. Turkish Journal of Botany, 35: 121–165.[CrossRef]
  47. Küçüködük, M. & O. Ketenoğlu. 1996. Macrophyte vegetation of Lake Beyşehir. Turkish Journal of Botany, 20: 189–198 (in Turkish).[CrossRef]
  48. Molinier, R. 1934. Études phytosociologiques et écologiques en Provence occidentale. Anales Museo Historia Natural Marseille, 27, 1-273.
  49. Molinier, R. 1968. Le dynamisme de la végétation provençale. Collectanea Botánica, 7, 817-844.
  50. Mustafa -Murad Al-Dabbagh. 1974. Our Country, Palestine, Vol. 8, Block 2, Beirut 1974 (in Arabic).
  51. Mutlu, B. & S. Erik. 2003. Flora of Kızıldağ mountain (Isparta) and environs. Turkish Journal of Botany, 27: 463–493.
  52. Ocakverdi, H. & A. Ünal. 1991. Phytosociological and phytoecological investigation of Karadağ (Karaman). Doğa Turkish Journal of Botany, 15: 79–106 (in Turkish).
  53. Ocakverdi, H. & A.R. Çetik. 1987. The vegetation of Seydişehir mine region (Konya) and its environment. Doğa Turkish Journal of Botany, 11: 120–148 (in Turkish).
  54. Özhatay, N., Ş .Kültür & S. Aslan. 2011. Check-list of additional taxa to the supplement Flora of Turkey V. Turkish Journal of Botany, 35: 489–624.[CrossRef]
  55. Özhatay, N., Ş. Kültür & S. Aslan. 2009. Check-list of additional taxa to the supplement Flora of Turkey IV. Turkish Journal of Botany, 33: 191–226.[CrossRef]
  56. Pesaresi, S., E. Bioindi, I. Vagge, D. Galdenzi & S. Casavecchia. 2017. The Pinus halepensis Mill. Forests in the central-eastern European Mediterranean basin. Plant Biosystems, 151(3):512-529.[CrossRef]
  57. Podani, J. 2006. “Braun-Blanquet's Legacy and Data Analysis in Vegetation Science.” Journal of Vegetation Science vol. 17, no. 1, 2006, pp. 113–117. JSTOR,[CrossRef]
  58. Pott, R. 2011. Phytosociology: A modern geobotanical method, Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology, 145:sup1, 9-18, DOI: 10.1080/11263504.2011.602740.[CrossRef]
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